(* OOC Note from the Author: It is Thanksgiving in the United States, a holiday that brings family together from around the country. It is a time of giving thanks for things that are special to you.)

Across a sun blasted desert you emerge,
a mirage, a goddess.

you let us chase and fight....

you let us love..
in all its forms..

We hold your hearts,
for the briefest of time..

and then we let you go..

but always a part of you remains..

We are not worthy of your love, yet you love us still..

and we love you all...

Thank you for sharing the most important part of you..

Anonymous, Nov. 2008


Thank you, sweet poet; that is lovely.

November 27, 2008 at 3:57 PM  


December 1, 2008 at 7:17 AM  

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