Lately I have heard myself saying "Im too old for this" far too often, and I hear people saying that I am too old to jump, to drink, to run, to fight... and I proved them all wrong for some time, but I cannot escape the facts of life, I AM old, and I am tired. I gave all I had, and now its time for someone younger and full of life to take over this hard, but comforting task. I am not leaving Ireem, and of course Im not leaving the slavers, I will go back to my first loves, teaching Kung Fu, and gardening. Thanks to all who supported me, and for the love of god DO NOT STEP ON MY FLOWERS ! ! (located on slavers hill)

Wong Fei Hong


Wong!!!! Say it ain't so!!!
You have been an inspiration to all your geezer peers and a source of amazement to the punks. I simply do not believe you will be content pinching begonias and sipping mint tea. We will keep a ring-side seat for you at the Cafe.

December 16, 2008 at 1:37 PM  

Awww Wong. We'll miss you leading the slavers but atleast you will still be in Ireem. I can keep teasing and bugging you, yay! I will attack any who step on your flowers, they are too pretty to be smooshed. =^.^=

December 16, 2008 at 1:52 PM  

wonggyyy I love you!!!!

December 16, 2008 at 3:10 PM  

Wong, don't you even dare!
I will miss those sonets and that sweet ass of yours jumping up and down!

December 19, 2008 at 8:50 PM  

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