Last friday our beloved Sultana was invited to visit the Magi tower and have a little chat with the Magis themselves. I witnessed this exciting moment of course, when the Sultana came with her staff Sir Polo, Lady Mirna, knight Ferax and knights leader Sir Seraf up the stairs to the tower.

Many Magi were crowded infront of the tower, waiting curiously to meet our highness. Magi leader Tim Speiser introduced his sisters one by one, not forgetting to mention their special magical subjects. Starting with Miss Dawnevea Destiny, he went on introducing Miss Zoya Zhukovsky, Miss Solsinn Franizzi, Miss Zeerya Pyrithea, Miss Lolita Nachtigall and Miss Jilsun Beverly.

After that, the Magi leader gave our highness a tour of the tower, while the Magi ladies stayed outside with me, waiting patiently. I handed out some cookies in between, knowing waiting can make you very hungry, but sadly I stole...I mean I took the wrong cookies, again ! Rumors tell, next to me three other Magi felt....sick. Of course I got the cookies that were used for spell and potion trainging! And I hereby want to apologize for handing them out *blushes*. Sir Tim explained the Sultana all different rooms and sections in the tower and what they are used for. He told her about the studies the Magi are doing to increase their magical power and the highness was very impressed.

Outide people started to entertain themselves, Solsinn was seen flirting with the knight Ferax and the knights leader Seraf was yawning several times. He obviously did not get much sleep the night before, I ask myself if this has something to do with his beloved wife Enigma ? Anyway, after Magi leader Tim showed our highness everything, they came back to the crowd infront of the tower. The Sultana answered Sir Polo's question "Interesting visit your highness?" with an excited "Oh yes, I have seen very interesting things !" and Sir Tim thanked everyone for joinging this event.

The Palace staff brought the Sultana safely back to her Palace and all Magi went on doing their normal business. After recovering from the side effects of the "poisened" cookies, I was able again to go to my wedding rehearsal and the day ended perfectly for all with new impressions, new ideas and new interesting people met. There is only one question left: What is Miss Dawnevea going to do with the strand of hair she picked up from the ground, where the Sultana was standing, putting it secretly into her pouch ?


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