Our Kingdom was under siege by three powerful figures identified to be Plague Monks, purportedly appearing through big blue disc-like portals discovered in the sands.  Yes, under siege, not by an entire troupe of armed forces but only three Plague Monks - White, Green, and Red. They brought mayhem for days, hurting anyone and destroying everything in their path!

Plague Monks

  What brought these Plague Monks to attack us?  One of the portals was seen in the vicinity of the Dark Knights.  Could the wildly unbalanced rebellious ones have dabbled in incantations beyond their own powers and accidentally opened the portal to these strange beings who would attack them too?

They do not speak
They make no alliance
They seek no treasure
They seek no power
They only wish to inflict total destruction of all life
No race is immune to their destructive powers.

  The plague monks are invincible.  The strongest warriors in the Kingdom could not kill them as they would somehow come back to life and continue to attack.  Many perished, the lucky are only badly injured, and soon enough food and medical resources were drained.
Plague Monks attacked!

  A royal decree sent by Princess Page advised one and all to turn to the leaders for their needed guidence.  It seems a wise one had deduced that precious crystals encased in stone if found could return the three plague monks through the portals. 

Stone With Crystals

  Priest Ragnar encouraged all leaders to bring their warriors to the Eternal Flame to get blessing and pray together.  Princess Page was present too.  And many leaders promptly gathered, putting aside perennial feuds to cooperate and save our Kingdom.

  Once the crystals were found, the leaders put their war strategy to action and brought down the three plague monks, forced them through the portal back to wherever they spawn.  Are we safe from future attacks?  No one knows..  What we do know now is that we are vulnerable to forces unknown to us and opposing factions may well have to cooperate once again to defend the Kingdom.

Leaders Pray

~Written by Munira


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