The reporters of the Chronicles are always proud and honored to recieve a message from the Palace, especially when it is from our beloved highness the Sultana herself ! Today we got followed message:
"It's for me a great pleasure and joy to declare that I have promoted Lady MIRNA MUGGINS and lady KERRI KOWALSKI “ PRINCESS OF IREEM” . Lady Mirna is by my side for a long time as my Secretary. She has been always loyal, devote to me and her job and, in time of need ,she offered her life for defending and saving mine. She is always available to help everybody need palace assistance with friendship and kindness.
Lady Kerri is by my side for a long time as Healer. She has always offered her knowledge to help people in need, indiscriminately who they are. She is always available, often without taking a little rest, and has a good word for everyone.
It's an honor for me to have them at my side.
You will have the pleasure to meet them at the next audience, but they are Princesses from today.
Zanlu Heron, Sultana"
Congratulations Ladies, ....I mean Princesses of Ireem !


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