Lady Enigma has been kidnapped after a long and tiring battle. It took five fierce and powerful slavers, who ambushed her just as she was desending the stairs to make her way up to the gate. Their swords were already drawn when they appeared before her, and as she fought for her life not once she did falter or cry out for mercy.

As the slavers saw that their chances to kidnap her might not be in their favor for she was not going to give in. The slavers began to circle in on Lady Enigma, and only after hours of fighting were they finally wearing her down. Coming up from behind one of the slavers took the hilt of his sword and tapped the top of Lady Enigma's head, knocking her out cold.

Picking her up and throwing her over one of their shoulder's they made their way across the desert and into the cave that leads to their camp.

Little do they know that their fighting had awaken the bedu Chris, who was napping with one of his slaves. He saw them circle in on Lady Enigma, knock her out, and carry her off......if only he had been alone he might have been able to help.


1pm SLT

accidently walking in on the kidnappers with Lady Enigma, Sir Edler Lubitsch now finds himself held hostage

October 3, 2008 at 1:07 PM  

to clarify, my discovery of Ldy Enigma was a blessed result of a diligent search, not an accident that happened passively. And I was not "taken hostage" since those watching the bound Lady were unarmed. I was armed but chose not to fight, but attended to Lady E and kept talking aloud to the chagrin of the two slaves. Sir Copper heard the talk and arrived with drawn scimitar, causing the slaves to run off unharmed. So the lady was rescued, no blood was she and we all repaired to th Cafe to recuperate. I will continue to press for more such happy accidents. is good! (and you may verify these details with Lady Enigma, while I remain puzzled by some earlier accounts of this incedent)

October 9, 2008 at 3:26 AM  

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