Yesterday I was captured by MasterJ, who threatened to simply at first sell me at the block...a dreaded fear of mine, being sold and not bought. As he started threatening me, folks really got offended at his treatment of me and his actions, slapping my ass and such. Now..though this treatment made me blush furiously, I was caught fair and square by him, and as such, his property to do with as he pleased. The uglier things got, the worse he got, I am not sure if he was fed by the anger of the crowd or simply fed by his own anger at being stopped in such a way.
The very kind Leon did try to purchase me from MasterJ, but I was not to be sold so easily, and then Hojo came along, and dared to strip me, slap me , and finger me, right there in public...oh the embarassing horror of it all, yet...I still felt completely safe in knowing that my actions had gotten me where they did, and it was a fair fight for me. Property, slave, owned and captured.
Many may be repulsed by what they saw, may want the death of the slavers who treated me as such and may yet again treat other prey or females in such a way, but..remember that those of us captured, consensually give ourselves up to whatever our captors have in store for us, even if we fight it hard the entire time, because that's...RP.
Slavers are by nature cruel and uncaring, yet..we also find many of them, once captured...very able to take care of their property quite well, no matter how that property is treated in public, I like the fact that everyone was able to stay true to character, and I thank you all for an RP that shook things up some in this fair city of ours, here's to hoping for more.
- tre
Anonymous said...
Tre's account is an extreme effort in being fair and objective, even when the subject of the rude incident is herself. She accurately describbves tha chain of events that caused her to be placed in such a vulnerable position, as well as noting the factual reality that slavers are cuel by nature. However that cruelty is not an attribute that demands universal approval adn support. In all lands and times, there have been others who firmly oppose cruelty to slaves, including many slave holders. So the practice of brutality cannot be regarded as an article of accepted faith for all residents of Ireem, and continued opposition can be expected. (cf. Vincent de Paul for historical precedent)
eeey r
October 27, 2008 at 3:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Elder you went there tre did nothing wrong and thay were going to rape here at the action block by thay i meen the slavers she tould thi dont touch her and thay did so tre was not in the wrong the slaves were in the wrong tre dosent do any thaing wrong shes pray and its your job to protect her as it is the kights job us kights did protect her with out your halp if you were there i am shere it would of been worse for tre
October 27, 2008 at 6:28 PM
Tre said...
I so agree with you here Elder, with your entire comment. The slavers cruelty and actions should in no way be "supported" by other factions, or even by all in their camp, what should be supported in this is that the medieval times were a cruel time, at times girls are treated as prized pets, at other times...mainly because of their own actions, they are punished in ways that are hard to imagine. The thing to remember is that if a girl acts out and deserves a punishment, the one who owns her really has the right to decide that. I think the whole thing went fine, the Knights were excellent, they were there to save the prey..and they did, it was perfect, by that time we were already in IM, Hojo, MasterJ and myself trying to find a good way to end it because it was way to laggy and out of control as it was. Brutality is harsh, and should always be opposed, it's what gives us...really good RP, which is exactly what I am here for. The fun in creating RPs' that are interesting and entertaining.
October 27, 2008 at 6:51 PM