It has been half a year since I came to Ireem, lost, tired, hungry, searching for a place to belong as well as something from my past. I cannot help but think of the kindness of the original bath house owner who took me in at first, of Elder and Ulric, of Prince Pawlaew, and so many others who have helped and protected me.
Yet, the city has become such a violent place recently. Today, this violence came to my own place of business, a place which I tried to keep as a safe place for all. I detest violence, and after this brutal event I think it's perhaps time that I move on to another place. Some of you might know I was a travelling merchant before I came to Ireem. I will be leaving with the next caravan. Salaam, people of Ireem, may Allah bring you safe paths.
Anonymous said...
Meagan, again, the incident at the bathhouse was not a random killing. You have nothing to fear from this person, unless the Dungeon Keepers and the Palace Guards and the Knights working on the investigation are all horribly wrong, and I don't believe they are.
October 31, 2008 at 2:00 AM
Anonymous said...
Meagan, please reconsider. Surely the bloody warning was not intended for you, adn you are not at risk. And many would miss such a fine merchant, neightbor adn friend. Do stay! I will be more alert from across the courtyard and there are many who would dash to your rescue upon your call.
October 31, 2008 at 11:18 AM
Anonymous said...
Meagan, the Merchants of Ireem stand alongside you. We will not allow an assassin or terrorist to destroy our businesses. I shall hire a bodyguard to protect you. The same for Kerri. This coward can then understand that you are not easy targets. If he or she has any worth then let them come and take on those that can defend themselves. Of course they won't do that. They prefer to use poison, murder and the other tools of the coward. Let's not let them have even a small victory. Stay among your friends and we will protect you.
October 31, 2008 at 4:30 PM
Anonymous said...
OOC: As her companion I would like to point out that she did not leave because she felt it was aimed at her, she left because she was tired of the violence and fighting in the sim and wishes to find someplace where such isn't so rampant.
~Andreia Undercroft
October 31, 2008 at 6:37 PM
Anonymous said...
OOC: I didn't actually think that was the final straw. Just roleplaying it out. :)
November 1, 2008 at 1:42 AM
Anonymous said...
Ulric OOC: I think this reinforces the need for players to agree OOC if they are going to use any of the businesses in Roleplay.I take it that somebody did not do that before leaving a corpse in Meagan's bath house. I am saddened that it has resulted in Meagan leaving. She tried very hard to create an interesting business for RP in KOS. We will miss her gentle nature and hope that she will return to us one day.
November 1, 2008 at 3:51 AM
Anonymous said...
OOC: She will not be returning. Sadly enough and I'm not sure where that leaves me as I came here to RP with her. I don't plan on vanishing just yet but I'm pretty sure my hours here will be cutting back once Meagan finds another sim. No noone asked her, and it was the words written in blood telling her to leave which did it (As far as I understand). I myself have no problem and in fact desire RP with the shop, but definately such things should be run through the owner first.
November 1, 2008 at 3:37 PM