Knights, Bedouins, fighting, who is to know who is right, accusations of barging into camps with questions, instead of respectfully asking for a meeting to clarify issues, where is the Knight leader as these issues are being thrown around.
Is Lancelot's daughter missing? Has she been taken by a Bedouin? Or are the Knights barging in where they are not needed this time, just to create a war.
Where is Anne when it is she who should be questioned regarding her daughter, and if she is missing or not.
Questions abound, answers need to be found.
And who let the tiger out, the white tiger, so preciously adorable it makes my eyes tear when I see it, and my throat purr with contentment, be sure it is well fed.
Anne has been questioned, she claims her daughter is asleep in her crib, who is the baby the Knights are trying to get from Sir Jaime then, a strange baby in our midst? And who might the mother be?
Lady Enigma did hear a woman in the magi tower crying, and a man was seen running from there with a baby..any and all information on this will be more than welcomed.
- Tre
Anonymous said...
Honestly, there is nothing to worry about. The babies are FINE but I am a little nervous from all the people knocking at the Tower door to check on us.
Please, leave us alone right now. Go about your business. Do NOT come to the tower looking for us, we are FINE.
Thank you all for your concern.
October 16, 2008 at 3:06 PM
Anonymous said...
This White tiger is evil openly attacked a Slaver by biting it on the behind..Clearly it has rabies and should be destroyed with immediate effect.
October 18, 2008 at 10:46 AM
Anonymous said...
i think its friendly - i ticked its tummy and it rolled over and waved its paws in the air !
i think she likes the attention
October 20, 2008 at 10:31 PM