I was honored with time from all but one of the lead slaver candidates, they were all so kind as to take time with me and answer a few brief questions, I will post the questions and each of their answers below, please read carefully and allow their answers in helping you decide who you will be voting on once the election is opened.
"What do you feel you...as a leader, could do to help your group in helping the city to realize that the slavers -are- good for the economy here"
*Jaime Lanzius: well personally i dont think there is anything that can be done aside from stopping the capture of all prey to make them realize how vital the slave trade is to the city/ obviously as leader of the slavers i would not take such an action so they will really have to be able to see that for themselves.
*Desire Gothly: Training slaves to become better woman ,with manners and be able to provide money by working is a good way to help the city plus once they are trained we can make business with the harem or some Inn around city and sell them to help the economy.
*LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa: i can help the growth of the econmy by producing good and well trained slaves for a start, raise the slavers profiles and the rest of the peoples awareness, without slavers the whole circle of this cities life comes to an halt. well trained slaves are sought after and i like to turn them into Ladies with decorum and a little class.
*WongFei Quan: First of all I want to remind you and the readers that Im partly a merchant at heart, I think that with some reasoning and diplomacy the city will reaslice that us slavers are a one of the most important pieces on Ireems economy. I dare to say that around 50% of the captured girls and guys are sold on auction, giving all citizens a chance to own a slave and keep the money flowing
*Hojo Beck: *laughs* good for the economy? I think if anyone said we are bad for the economy we could arrange a way to find out how good they are for our pockets by dragging them off and dressing them as a slave......or in some cases not dressing them. Thats what i'll help bring to the slavers...money in our pockets.....HAHAHAHAHAa and perhaps for those who make the spirits and the girls that keep us company....*laughs mirthfully* you know someone who is saying we are BAD for the city's profit?
*EllyMay Alter: Slaves supply a basic need and comodity to the citizens we also bring in money that comes from our sales.
"The slavers to be a pretty dysfunctional group as a whole, is there a way you can see that might be able to bring them to work together again instead of all the ingroup fighting and rivalry?"
*Jaime Lanzius: the reason the slaver are so disorganized is in part because there has benn no..well...organization. Getting them to work together is the most important thing, one idea i have is to have frequent training sessions for the slavers in order to increase their skills and see less of them killed by the knights. Also there needs to be communication between members about issues which arise, which is something i would encourage and if necesary enforce. So basically communicate better, and if there is an irreconcilavle arguement then as leader i will determine who is correct and take the necessary action
*Desire Gothly: we all should work as a team ,i am talking about predators and we are working on it is not easy since slaves are business and when is not many around we have to survive somehow ,but about predators i will say i can work harder on that if i become a leader the reason why now is not is because we don't have anyone to guide us and tell us what we should do but about knights and others well ,smiles all i can say we live to survive so if anyone it gets in our way to try take what belongs to us the rest is history :)).
*LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa: i wil try my hardest ..we all have our different methods and expectations of how we are to behave and interact with everyone else, the best i can do is gather them all , listen to all points of view and try to make the majority happy but also try to cater for the lesser numbers, as far as fighting and rp then that can be addressed also by having a strong minded leader such as myself
*WongFei Quan: the slavers are a pretty large group, so a lot of different personalities and ways are to be found within, by proposing different activities, as I plan to do... I will keep everyone busy in their own special trait, strengthening their natural habilities and thus, making the whole group more functional
*Hojo Beck: Kill a few and let the rest watch as they walk the plank. This place needs a captain not a politician from the city. I'm not going to give anyone a darn thing...no shirts or other crap like those other idiots are handing out. I am not going to give you a darn thing....we are slavers and we take what we want. And our leader will have to be charismatic enough to win everyone over and strong enough to make the rest follow.
*EllyMay Alter: They need to understand that hunting in a group and working together is more efficient. We need to organize hunts and trainning of captures it will be more profitable for all. Raids and trainning both of slaves and of our slaver. Skills need to be taugh to all this all for themselves works against us.
"Do you feel the ingroup fighting and rivalry are a 'good' thing for your group, does it keep you all on your toes?"
*Jaime Lanzius: it can be a good thing, but the extent it is at now is not, no one supports each otehr and that needs to change
*Desire Gothly: no is not good when brothers fight against brothers ,we are family and we should respect each other ,e need to become stronger on trust to fight with enemies not against each other.
*LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa: well it isnt too good no, but it does keep us all on our toes and we compete with each other, this is a good sign, we just have to be careful not to go too far and insult one another too much, in a way we are scavengers trying to make money from what there is on offer, turn that into something beautiful..that in itself causes friction and compretition...healthy competition is good for the group and the economy , and again , a strong minded leader with no biass is needed, also a leader that is here frequently to listen to arguements and see from both sides too for helping the family..
*WongFei Quan: I think that a certain ammount of copetition keeps us in shape, but its good to know where to draw the line, if internal affairs are settled through supervised competitions I think we can work out our differences and all remain at peace with our brothers, and spare Ireem of the ugly sight of slavers fighting slavers
*Hojo Beck: As long as nobody dies and they do what their told I dont care. Let them fight....its what we do best anyhow other than put the girls to good use *laughs whole heartedly at that one* You get the same answer as last time girl....
*EllyMay Alter: Infighting is never good it attacks the profits of all and makes us to easy a target for guards and other groups. We must be united or be a joke.
"What is your feelings on the current city vibe that the slavers are inherently evil and only out to mark flesh with their whips/brands, and break every submissive they see?"
*Jaime Lanzius: i think the viewpoint that all slavers are that way is innacurate, while the majority of slavers are by nature violent it seems to me that none of the slaves they have been violent with were not looking to have violence used on them. People of the city should make a distinction between particular individuals and a group as a whole however because the attitudes of one person are not the attitudes of the group as a whole.
*Desire Gothly: all i can is you will never be able to get everyone in the same room satisficed so all you can is your best plus to be honest we are predators our job is trained slaves ,capture them ,use disipline if we have to when they don't obey nobody is happy when it's been captured but is our job to make them understand they will be safer sometimes in our hands that running around the desert.
*LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa: well we all have our own methods yes..and i myself have marked and beaten slaves, but i do it for thier own good to teach them how to behave and learn respect..turn them into respectable ladies with high standards and morals..i hate those that mark and brand for the sake of it , that is cruel and not acceptible in my book..there is always a reason behind my harm and my slaves always know why i do the things i do and most importantly, after a beating or something like that i show them love and caring, i heal them and make a fuss over them , make them feel special again ..this way they learn and learn fast..hence the saying" cruel to be kind"
*WongFei Quan: oh no, I think that anyone saying that has only taken a superficial peek at what the slavers are, I think that keeping an open mind to try to understand slavers and other groups is a basic step that we must all take in order to get along. Even amongst the undead you can find good conversation and chivalry
*Hojo Beck: Well duh...You want me to be nice to a dog that soils the tents? I will train them...sell them and use the slaves like the property they are. I don't care what anyone thinks. But I do treat my girls very well when they do what they are told. Why do you think they love me so much eh? I keep them safe and loved. Why dont you ask me something important like how i'm actually going to pull off leading these louts eh? I'll tell you anyway...i'm going to take the loyal ones and use them to make the others submit or walk the plank. thats what you really wanted to know aye?
*EllyMay Alter: We provide a service to all that many do not or can not perform for themselves. Slaves/submissives must be trained properly if not then we are not doing our job. A whip is merely a trainning tool, a brand only shows who the chattle belongs to. Who is the more evil the one who does the work or the one who pays to have it done?
"One of the jobs as a slave lead is to bond your group together with events and such..how do you see this working with your group? Any particular events you have planned?"
*Jaime Lanzius: i dont think that will be a problem, i have several things in mind myself and i will discuss further plans with other members of the group in the future to see if they have any good ideas. The slavers from what I have seen are always up for an interesting event, though no one has been very forthcoming with suggestions for them which i would like to change. However if i gave away all my plans that would be boring.
*Desire Gothly: i do try to get everyone to participate in raids or RP but like i said right now is no comand voice to guide so hopefully we will soon but if is me i willl like to plane tournaments in the arena or try to create some good rp to all become involved but to be honest
*LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa: well after my last comments..a whipping contest would not be a good idea..((joke)) but on a serious note..we are runners and fighters..so a tournament of such would be entertaining..as runners we could have competitions about chasing and catching slaves( timed event)hard question to answer to be honest to keep it in the context of being a slaver..maybe even a popularity contest((doesnt point to himself as winner))
*WongFei Quan: as you well know Tre, I am a fighting instructor, so I have many ideas for internal tournaments and even competing, in a friendly and sporty way, with other camps, this would strenghten the bonds within, and with other groups too
*Hojo Beck: of course I have plans...i'll even put your mind to rest with a few of the obvious ones....we will stalk the knights like never before...like a pack of hungry wolves....singling out the girls and making slaves of them so that their fellows can watch. Thats my favorite thing to do right now ....then perhaps i'll show you how sneaky a slaver can really be as we enter the palace and show the harem girls what real men feel like....After they have their fun in the palace they will all love me as much as you do....maybe i'll even bring you with and you can pretend you are a palace girl. *grins*
*EllyMay Alter: Whith all the differnt times that Slaver's are in Port we need to organize raids and hunts to allow all to join in. I would assign several aides (in different timezones) to make it easier for all to enjoy the fruits of our labors.
"What is one goal you personally have for your group"
*Jaime Lanzius grins "One goal i have for my group is to organize them better, as you said the personal rivalry has been breaking the group apart and i have heard of one slaver being beaten by a group of knights far too many times. Aside from general organization I have plans to make the knights in particular pay for treating us this way.
*Desire Gothly: i am just "me" ,desire ,one face and one word ,i am a very honest person i speak with the truth and perhaps some don't like hear it but is a good way to get to know people , you have to be strong to make others around u even stronger if you are willing to make a good team is all about respect so you have to provide it to recive it
*LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa: to be considered succesful as slavers .after all we are here for the money but we have to do it correctly with pride and honour and a litle fear from Ireem goes a long way to help too..grins wickedly
*WongFei Quan: I would say that a lot of things need to be worked out in the group, so its hard to talk about a final objective, I have to say, that the first thing that has to be solved is the feeling of brotherhood withing the group, so we can truly find a brother or sister in each of us, promoting activities so all the members get to know eachother beyond a simple "salaam"
*Hojo Beck: To be the most feared and respected group in all the lands.....and the richest.
*EllyMay Alter: To make us the most powerful force in Ireem. We have the personel what we do not have is organization.
"How would you like to see the slavers perceived around the city..in your own words"
*Jaime Lanzius: i think that the city needs to realize not every slaver is the same person, seeing us as a group that captures the slaves and does what we want with them is fine. but this belief that every one of us is going to beat our slaves is un true.
*Desire Gothly: i will like to see them do their job ,running trying to get slaves ,fighting if they need to to get them ,try to get food for the camp like bying from other places or check on their slaves if they need anything ,so many thing to do and we are not doing ,but one thing i will like to change is that auction site i will like to see it being use just for that not for chatting ,i hate to see slaves taking lng period of brakes there and everyone in ims when they should be doing something else
*LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa: i would like the slavers to be seen as business men/women with high regard to to standards ..not to be taken lightly or ridiculed , we are not lazy and we keep the economy going..for some citizen we have to be feared for others seen to be fair and for the slaves themselves seen to be kind in the long run ..without the slaves we ahve nothing to do or reason for being here
*WongFei Quan: I would like the city to think of us as bringers of a much needed service and as a functional part of this great living and pulsing city
*Hojo Beck: Like I care how we are perceived by others, we know we are the best for this city and that is all that matters in the long run.
*EllyMay Alter: I would have us respected and feared. To have the citizen's think twice before interferring with us.
"Anything you'd like to add..last words before I publish this?"
*Jaime Lanzius: nothing much to add really except for the people of ireem to vote for who they feel is the best candidate for the leader, hopefully thats me but yknow.
*LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa: yes, quite simply ..LEON FOR LEADER !!!!
*WongFei Quan: Well Tre, I just want to wish good luck to all the other candidates and hope that whoever gets elected is able to do a good work to restore unity to the slavers and to improve relations with the rest of the city, and that wether I am or not elected I will continue to work for the well being of our group and oll of Ireem.
*Hojo Beck: No. The best will come forth.
*EllyMay Alter: Vote for me if you want a change. I am finished.
LeonBlackadder07 Barbosa
WongFei Quan
Jaime Lanzius
Desire Gothly
Hojo Beck
EllyMay Alter
aarnout Qunhua
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