Streaking Bedouin?

Today I interviewed the slavegirl Myrna who was seen trembling and seemed not herself lately. She told me that the Bedouin Jonathan MoriarTy was chasing her with 2 other Bedouins and an ugly undead. Of course normally she would not have stand a chance in an unfair chase like that. This time it turned out differently because believe it or not: This Bedouin was, I'm almost too embarrassed to write it down but here we go anyway, NAKED!

Myrna: "I looked behind me and saw the Bedouin fluidly taking off his pants in mid-air. I froze for a moment in sheer fear. Then realised just in time that this was more serious than I thought and I'd better run like I never did before. Somehow the fact that I was chased naked by him saved my virginity".

Here she paused for a moment and shivered. Obviously the emotions still high on her. Either that or she contemplated if people would believe the virginity part. Eventually she continued:

"You should have seen that dangling... no, maybe better you should not try to imagine it as it was outright scary. Anyway it gave me wings and somehow I was able to dodge and outrun them all to safety. I have never been more afraid in my life than when I saw him coming down in my direction and thought he would jump right on top of me".

Needless to say that when she finally managed to escape. She was in total shock. It took her a few days to come out of this but thought she should let people know that some Bedouins, even if supposed to be great lovers, have a strange way of "showing it".

The Bedouins seem to be in the news a lot lately. One can wonder if it is positive or not? Only time will tell.

- Anonymous


this is an outrage!... there is no such thing as an "ugly undead'.... true, some of us in our decayed state are somewhat more.... well... 'exotic' looking then others but none of my Brothers or Sisters can be described as "ugly'... I've even heard it suggested that a calendar be made of the beautiful catacombs dwellers... and the suggestion came from cattle.. erm... ah.. human, yeah, I meant human... so there !

October 20, 2008 at 8:47 PM  

Did you ever take a good look of some of your kind? I assure you this one was ugly. And on top of that, he was nasty too. He was not the one I was scared of though as he had no way to catch up with me while scattering his limbs all over the desert


October 20, 2008 at 11:35 PM  

Personally, i think a nekkid Bedouin trumps ANY undead in the eeewiieee factor.

Myrna, i went looking for those bones to add to the rat brain stew, could not find them.. can you tell me exactly where my brother lost his limbs? surely, he does not need them at this point.


October 21, 2008 at 5:47 PM  

Del, you can't seriously think I was stopping relaxed to see where some ugly undead lost his limbs to accomodate your rat stew. All I heard was a loud thud, then some more softer ones as if it was raining bodyparts. Finally a loud curse and that's it. When I looked again, your undead brother was gone.


October 21, 2008 at 11:43 PM  

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