I was approached today, by a few undead, and I heard things that make my flesh crawl. Go figure..it had nothing to do with the undeads actions, but on actions they were reporting to me on our Knights.
I realize the undead are well....undead, but they are still a part of our fair city and therefore should be allowed to speak their mind as well as any other camp in Ireem, so of course, being the good sport I am...I didn't panic and flee, but I stood my ground and I listened.
As the undead were giving me their tales of woe and unfair treatment, others joined the talk, and there was stuff that I heard that I would really like to not have to report on..but being a reporter...sadly I have no choice, I'm FORCED by nature to reveal.
It seems there are corrupt knights in the realm, knights who force themselves on women, with threats that if the women do not obey, they will be cast aside from protection, not kept safe from predators. What is this? Knights forcing women to sleep with them? Do their bidding? Is that not for the Slavers to do? Are our Knights not supposed to be upstanding and good, faithful to keeping us safe? But if we are not safe from the knights...then what pray tell are we safe from?
There was one knight in particular, mentioned by a few at the block today, that worries me greatly, it seems he is also being blamed for casting out a female knight, having her shunned, for not sleeping with him...and having in effect..her now taking up with the undead.
What is this..is there any truth to anything I'm being told? Is there anyone willing to come forward and speak of this? Or are we all too scared of losing the protection we are supposedely being given? Or are we truly not protected and clearly at the mercy of what we perceive as honor, but isn't.
Are the Undead truly good folks, just misunderstood by the bad mouthing they are getting? Is it true they release their slaves and treat them even more fair than the slavers do? Oh the questions to be answered!
Information freely taken.
- Tre
Anonymous said...
Of course the knights are corrupt. But who was taken down to the Undead aside from Gwen?
October 20, 2008 at 12:09 AM