Hojo and Pippy...Ireem's model couple!
Is there trouble in paradise? Has Hojo been spending so much time with his dalliances that he's leaving his lady and mother of his baby alone too much?
It's been heard around Ireem that Pippy has been seen keeping company with another slaver, overheard professing his love for her and telling her she deserves better? Could this be warranted? Or is the slaver looking to be killed by Hojo, who very obviously loves his lady Pippy. Rumors can spread, like wildfire,it's true, but if there's any truth out there...will it prevail?
Pippy is glowing lately with her pregnancy, almost fully in bloom, and either there are folks out to ruin her happiness with Hojo..or there is something going on.
We all have seen this relationship through it's ups and downs, we know Hojo likes to play with many girls, but Pippy is his main lady and some of us hope that remains true always...who is this slaver trying to butt in, turn Pippy's head..and can Hojo do anything to get the attention back on him instead of letting it wander?
Tune in for more...if I get it and am not killed for printing this...
- Tre
Anonymous said...
*ponders eating the reporter for posting this trash*
October 21, 2008 at 7:54 PM