Djinn in Bedouin Camp

It has been rumored that a djinn was seen in the bedouin camp, casting a spell to leave the camels with 6 humps for a period of one moon cycle.

Not sure about the truth to this...but if it's true..there's gonna be a lot of humping around Ireem.

- Tre


These Djinn, unsettling the fabric of reality, are creating rifts. They must be stopped. I for one, believe they must be catapulted with a giant catapult which I have drawn forth the designs for. Said catapult will send them to the moon, which is inhabited by old creatures that eat magic, according to the prophecies. And the catapult is mentioned.

You should listen to me. I do Magic.

-Petertron Nieuport

October 25, 2008 at 3:36 AM  

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