The powerful Knight Dream did challenge the Master Undead, Damien, to a dual today in the Arena. After a few sparring back and forth words, they finally drew their swords and got down to business.
Plenty of hits and strikes later, after a long arduous fight and lots of yummy bloodshed, the battle did end.....Dream was given one last chance to pull out before being killed by Damien, he chose not to pull out, claiming no fear of death, the fight continued and the Undead claimed the life of the Knight. Sadly, what is to become of us if the Undead are so willing to kill our protectors.
It has also been brought to my attention that the powerful undead, Anneliese, did beat Dream in a dual today, she had the man on his knees, he refused to give into all of her demands, but did however win a treat from her succulent mouth, what that could be, no one knows, perhaps a kind word. Anne would like to make it known that it was a good battle and Dream is a very proper leader, the fight was well played!
- Tre
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