As I am sure most of you are aware, a small group of knights have split off from the true knighthood. Now this is a very confusing situation and I found myself determined to get to the bottom of it. So I sought out the parties involved. Now I tried on at least five occasions to interview Primo the self proclaimed leader of the rebel knights. It seems his busy schedule never allowed him to meet with me. However I was able to get my hands on a scroll. This scroll is a declaration from the rebel knights.
We are the Rebel knights, true knights, still stand for the same code of honor same principles of the knighthood but we had enough we need to be heard and to be respected in Ireem
We only answer to our sultana and take order from no-one else but her.
So therefore we will oppose all the new rules put on us by the so called undead/dungeon leader Arian. We will never take orders from him or submit to his Authority.
We need a strong and powerful leader to lead us out of this darkness.
Now I was able to speak to one rebel knight. He stated to me that he has joined the rebellion because he wishes to help Primo stand against Arian. He said he could not follow Lady Jordi since she agreed to follow Arian’s rules. Now I have personally interviewed lady Jordi and I can assure all of you good readers that she has not accepted Arian’s rules and does not intend to. She believes this is a lie told by the leaders of the rebellion in order to gain support. Seeing all this was leading nowhere I decided to try to get the only opinion that matters. As you see in the scroll above these rebel knights claim to follow the Sultana and her orders. So off I went to the palace.
To my great pleasure Her Highness the Sultana agreed to speak to me about this issue. Following is that conversation.
Tim Speiser: “The main thing I would like to clarify is that the leader of these rebel knights Sir Primo has been stating that he follows only your orders. I think the people would like to know if you support him and his rebels or if you still support Jordi your first knight.”
Zanlu Heron: “What? Are you joking with me?” *looks very surprised*
At this point I handed the Sultana a copy of the scroll I printed earlier in this article.
Zanlu Heron: “This scroll makes me laugh, I have never met this man. I don't know him therefore he is a false leader.”
Tim Speiser smiles “So you fully support Lady Jordi and would prefer all knights be united under her once again?”
Zanlu Heron: “Of course ,dear Tim.” By the way my father, the Great Sultan taught me something about dealing with rebels. “Remember, he said, If one day you have rebels in your kingdom. First, Listen. Second, forgive. But if they go on, Alert them. Arrest them. And kill them. Do you understand what I mean?
Tim Speiser nods…“Tis wise advice highness. If I understand correctly you are willing to forgive them if they stop their rebelling, but if they persist they will be considered criminals."
So there you have it readers. To all the rebel knights I would say hear your Sultana’s words. Abandon this resistance and rejoin the true knighthood. Lady Jordi has assured me that all rebel knights excluding only the leaders will be welcome back into the knighthood after swearing their loyalty the Knight’s Code. Otherwise they will be considered criminals by the Sultana herself.
Phox SIllanpaa said...
Oooo... Shame that. I love to defy Arian's rules as well. Primo, Primo... You went about it all wrong, buddy.
So where you gonna go now?
May 28, 2009 at 8:53 PM
pawlaew said...
i gratefully acknowledge the sultana's wise advice. The true knights are will to forgive the mistakes and lies told by the rebel knights about our leader lady knight jordina. if the go on and continue to create problems for the rest of the true knights, i will be the first one to use my scimitar to carry out the orders given to me by her royal highness sultana, light of our world against any rebel knights
Prince Kamala, Commander of the true knights of Ireem
May 28, 2009 at 10:25 PM