After many scheduling conflicts I was finally able to sit down with Arian Clip, the new leader of the dungeon guards, today and interview him. I am sure this is of great interest to many of you. Also in attendance were: Sarra Ballinger, Geli Rossini and Lyra Bellemay.
Tim Speiser: Very well Arian let me start by saying that I received a notice from your ambassador Sarra. Now while I fully intended to print this notice I regret there was an emergency. I sat on the toilet in the magi tower reading it and found myself with an utter lack of sanitary paper. I assure you I put your notice to good use. * grins* “So perhaps you would like to go over the pertinent points here again? I believe I read something about you punishing the knights?”
Arian Clip smirks " I have an extra copy of that scroll, you can keep yours " he says. "We are the Ireem Army, the only army who works for Ireem and its citizens, the knights are hired for their job" he says as he make a pause.." if a Knight breaks the law and doesn’t respect his code I will make sure that he is arrested and punished"
Tim Speiser: And what if it is an undead that breaks the law? Shall they be punished as well?
Arian Clip nods.."Every creature , from this land will be judged on his actions and will be punished Accordingly.”
Sarra Ballinger coughs..... 'may I add Tim that although Arian is our leader and he is an undead, we as a group are made up of all casts of Ireem. We are not here to serve any camp.. only our own'
Tim Speiser perks up “I am delighted to hear that. Not two nights past the undead Tobi attacked and captured the lady knight Gara. A clear violation of the law against both being in the city armed and fighting inside the city. I am sure the people of Ireem will be happy to hear that you will soon bring him to justice.
What sort of punishment can we expect for his criminal acts?”
Arian Clip: "Indeed, for his crime to wear a sword in the city he will be punished by us, for his matter with lady Gara he will be punished by the Knights” The laws and punishments are on sultana’s desk. I will discuss them with her and I will let you know very soon"
Tim Speiser: “Arian what do you say to the rumors that even your most trusted people may not be loyal to you?”
Arian Clip smiles..“That they are rumors...and they don’t bother me...we will let time prove who is loyal to who”
Tim Speiser: “Now it has also been reported to me that you intend to extort money from the knights. Trying to make them pay you money to carry their swords inside the city. What possible reason or right do you have to demand such a thing?
Arian Clip: “There is a fee for them to have a sword in the city, you are right...and the reason is to enforce No fights inside the walls....."
Tim Speiser: “And you feel you have the right to demand this?”
Sarra Ballinger: “Tim, speaking as Ambassador.... you know as well as I do that there are factions within the Knights that do not follow their code.”
Tim Speiser looks to his sister. “Is your leader unable to answer himself?”
Arian Clip: “Indeed...since the Knights Leader is aware of the new law the percent of the fights inside is down by half, and Ireem is more quiet then it was before.”
Tim Speiser smiles “Indeed you are a wise man Arian. We would all do well to follow in your fine example wouldn’t you agree?"
Arian Clip: “You don’t have to follow my example. If everyone will respect my laws I can assure you the peace will come back in the city and the citizens will be able walk safe inside and do their business”
Tim Speiser smiles “Yes business is important wouldn’t you say? And I for one shall follow your business example. Therefore from this day forward I will happily print any declaration or notice from the dungeon guards in the chronicles for the small fee of 500 Dinar each. I also am running a business. I am sure you understand."
Arian Clip: “Look around you Tim.... and you will se my army on the streets and on the desert. Before me who enforced the law inside the City?. The Knights often were caught in big fights there" Tim that will make you and your chronicles a slave one, your independence will go away and All Ireem will know you as a pre pay reporter"
Tim Speiser shrugs “Perhaps but the fact remains the dungeon will have to pay to have things published.”
Arian Clip shakes his head. “The law will be enforced without publicity....and a chronicles who demands money from a group only is not a chronicle anymore....but if you insist I will agree for negotiations and then every one who want to interview me or my army will have to pay for the time we give"
Tim Speiser: “If these terms are not agreeable Arian you are of course free to take your notices to the other city newspapers” * smiles*
Arian Clip nods “Dont forgot Tim that we make your chronicles so many times, without me or my fellows many weeks the chronicles didn’t appear”
Tim Speiser laughs “Just like my sister assuming you are the only news around. Your arrogance knows no limits.”
Arian Clip: “My arrogance made us the strongest army here....and everyone should know that, they all fear us, they will fear us much and much more....and let me tell you day anyone will slip and break the law. Or piss someone off and have a bounty on his head”
Tim Speiser: “But now it seems we are reduced to arguments. Is there anything else you wish to say to Ireem in your last free interview?”
Sarra Ballinger slaps Tim on the back and grins.... “Now if you will excuse us we have many criminals to bring to order”
Tim Speiser: “You mean innocent people to persecute don’t you sister?”
Arian Clip: “I will give you a statement that will say everything about us.”
Tim Speiser smiles “Yes please forward the statement along with payment when you have finished.”
At this point I stood and walked out of the Inn. This interview raises some important questions in my mind.
First will Arian truly do as he said and police all of the groups of Ireem? I suspect this will be answered by whether or not Tobi is actually punished for his crimes. The second question I have is just who is really in charge? If you will notice Sarra is the one that called an end to the interview. Could it be that Arian is no more then a puppet being controlled by another? I leave these things with you to consider dear readers.
Editors note: Due to length the interview was edited, if you would like a copy of it in its entirety please request one in world.
Phox Sillanpaa said...
I am surprised they didn't try to arrest you for 'insults.' What Arian is looking for is an 'easy' way to stop having to deal with problems. Surround himself with powerful friends, and then kick the crap (and throw in the dungeon) anyone who looks at him funny. He calls it justice, I call it Tyranny. I, for one, will be oh so happy to test how 'powerful' his 'army' really is. Not half as many people fear him as he thinks they do.
May 20, 2009 at 8:22 AM
Anonymous said...
Wasn't Sarra Ambasador for the slavers a few weeks ago? this sounds fishy...
May 20, 2009 at 7:02 PM
About me said...
Hmmmmm... Lilke usual. Arian has his mouth big enough but I'm sure he will run away lots of times to avoid being captured by the one he thinks to arrest. Nothing much changes except he has to run to the dungeon now to be safe instead of the combs
May 21, 2009 at 4:18 AM
Jai Awesome said...
hmmm, the dungeons are cold, damp, and smelly, like the catacombs, so I am sure he will love it. I am however going to get on the inside, guard more of the palace if I may. become a citizen, I believe Polo has done this already, rana might of. Drako tells me he thinks he will as well. Us four have been guards for who knows how long,with all of us at top skill we feel we are needed on the inside. (but with a citizen tag) so we can do more on the inside, take care of our sultana more. I hope the undead enjoy the dungeon... it's just too ... well, we just prefer the palace, we are spoiled I suppose. (lol) have fun! xoxoxo
May 21, 2009 at 7:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Very Good Morning Ireem! It looks like the effect of the new Ireem law enforcers have made impact here even with the new leader slightest comments will sparks so many wonderful ideas of improvements, eg. the reporter Tim had quickly thought of turning the chronicle commercialise, thats a good start of helping the economy, i must say !!
Another thing for the army, maybe it will soon have an enlistment for more keepers from the slavers, bedus and maybe the knights. i left the undeads out, thats because they are probably the best co operative individual group that will work hand in hand with the Dungeon keepers to maintain peace and progress of Ireem since Arian took over.
Good job!! i say to the new Dungeon Leader!!
I personally thinks that it should be time to arrest some of the trouble makers here(( points to those who wrote here opposing or showing disrespect)) and publicly punish them so to send a strong message to others not to follow.
Thank you
May 21, 2009 at 10:10 AM
Tim Speiser said...
I always love to hear such strong minded comments from someone then see that they are unwilling to sign thei name at the end. * laughs*
May 21, 2009 at 11:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Seems that the brand dungeon leader is going to enjoy of the dungeon alone *grins*
May 21, 2009 at 2:27 PM
Anonymous said...
opss I meant "brand new"
May 21, 2009 at 2:28 PM
chloe said...
this is much power in the hands of a motley group drawn together by who knows what...greed? anger? revenge at past injustice? what arian has failed to give me or anyone else is a clear indication that he will strive to act in the best interests of ireem, for justice and for the good of all. instead, as i asked him this very question, he quibbles in vagaries such as "we shall see" or "goodness is relative".
on behalf of my sisters, we want answers. now.
May 22, 2009 at 12:18 PM
Sarra said...
Oh Tim... brother dearest, our parents would have been so proud at your abilty to twist words!
Let me add to this, fellow readers of the Chronicles... that anyone who knows Lord Arian KNOWS that there is not a person in this land that can control him, and to be honest who would want to try?
Speaking as Ambassador to the Dungeon group however, let me re-assure all those in our fair land who are worried or concerned by Lord Arian and hes 'Motley crew'.. please dont be. We have only the interests of Ireem in our hearts.. even if it is a cold heart in the case of Lord Arian.
Dungeon Ambassador
May 22, 2009 at 5:34 PM
Tim Speiser said...
My dear sister we are not all love struck girls with stars in our eyes like you. All know what is in Arian's heart. Evil pure and unadulterated. Do not think that any are fooled.
May 22, 2009 at 5:38 PM
Sarra said...
*sighs*... You are only jealous that I possess the balls in our family! And I shall wear them round my neck and taunt you with them at every opportunity
May 22, 2009 at 6:14 PM
Tim Speiser said...
*laughs* Silly little lapdog/girl. A lack of common sense does not mean you have balls. You think yourself gutsy for following an evil man in evil pursuits. Tis a good thing mum and dad did not live to see such a thing.
May 22, 2009 at 6:20 PM
Sarra said...
Oh dear.. first you make me appear a 'Puppet Master', then you call me a 'love struck Lapdog'... which is it to be Brother? *smiles sweetly*
May 23, 2009 at 6:10 AM