Most sexy guys: Undead !

The election is over and the lucky winners are : THE UNDEAD ! Congrats to them all ! Sadly the girls were the same lazy like the guys, we only got 4 more votes in this election !! Of course I know the look is not everything that counts, but people of Ireem, I ask myself now seriously: Is it hard to decide for a whole group or is everyone just so busy with fighting and working that we miss to admire all the beautiful people around us ?
I also should mention here that I got several votes for the Sultana, which I must admit, really confuses me. The Sultana herself is neither a group nor a male ? And her beauty is noncompetitive ! Be sure the reporters of Chronicles are working on something new. Soon to be continued....


Ah yes but the Sultana is pretty nonetheless eh..I say the undeads voted for themselves making them also the laziest group of ireem as everyone else was out there conducting business with fighting and selling :)

May 2, 2009 at 10:32 PM  

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