I received today a letter from a well known slaver. As you will see he is none to happy with the current leadership of his group. Whether or not he intends to run for election or seize control by force I do not yet know. However I will do my best to find out. Here is the letter as I received it, unedited and in its entirety.
The letter was titled : A letter of rejection!
Greetings, Citizens of Ireem, and my Brothers and Sisters in the Slaver's Guild!
It is with heavy heart and weary brow that I take pen to parchment and write this letter. Lately I have been traveling outside of Ireem, but still get news of the Realm from time to time.
Allah is merciful, but had no mercy for this Slaver the day I received the new Laws handed down by our leader, Jaril. My fists clenched the offending parchments until in rage I shredded them into a million pieces, and beheaded the unfortunate messenger who brought me these cursed letters.
What is this? Rules?! For Slavers?! Bah! I would laugh, and spit upon the ground, were water not so precious, and the matter a laughing one. But no, 'tis serious indeed when a leader of a Free People would bind us in our own chains!
Doubtless you have heard of these new edicts from on High, whereby, for instance, noble Slavers may not engage in a fight with more than one person. As if we only fought duels! Our Leader would turn us into knights, but without perfume and clean underwear! For shame!
My Brothers and Sisters, will you stand by while this tyrant dictates your every move? Rise up! Throw off her foul bonds, and stand Free and Proud, and accept no less than true Slaver Tradition as your guide!
I say to you, Treasured Citizens of the most noble Kingdom of Sand, you need not fear that we of the Guild will act as anything other than True and Mighty Slavers, Allah Be Praised! Our Dear Leader will be dealt with in Slaver fashion, as befits a buzzing insect. We shall uphold our place in the Kingdom as the rock upon which the Ireem economy stands... bringing you quality and mostly unsoiled goods at fair or slightly unfair prices.
We take seriously our Guild charter, which says only, 'Rules we have no rules.. we are slavers.'
May Allah lead you to date palms and water, and have I got a deal for you!
Raddick, true Slaver of Ireem
People of Ireem, Through a confidential source I have obtained a copy of the “rules” referred to in this letter. If you would like to read them for yourself seek me out and I will give you the scroll.
Are the slavers headed for a civil war?
Will this interrupt the flow of fresh slaves to the people of Ireem?
Tell us where you stand slavers! Do you stand with Jaril or Raddick?
kittymaggs said...
April 26, 2009 at 10:04 AM
Unknown said...
April 26, 2009 at 2:53 PM
Anonymous said...
Even chaos has its order. So, in my opinion if the complain is only about one against one fighting. I think this is not a slavers' rule; This is any reasonable person's first rule of survival. It is NOT meant that we fight one AGAINST one, rather than to fight one AFTER one until we get the opponent(grins with evil). And it was seen before that when two or more attack at the same time, they simply hit each other....so, no point in that!!!! Additionally, slavers are now much more powerful. It's enough to us that both who won at the tournament fighting were slavers . So , slavers are on the right way.ROAAAAAR
April 26, 2009 at 6:38 PM
Anonymous said...
After all my respect to all, the reasons mentioned are not enough convincing. 'coz these rules are not for slaver but for anyone who should fight and how. If we do not use our minds, this means that we are only srrendering to the enemy. True mighty slavers can not accept that. So, yes. That's NONSENSE.
EdW Toxx
April 26, 2009 at 8:47 PM
simonp50Guy Sandalwood said...
Do I detect unrest in the slavers camp *grins
Your troubles begin with your lack of hygien, not your leader
I once had the unhappy task of trying to clean their ship, *shakes his head in utter disgust
May I suggest that you all take part in an old tradition dating back many years, it is known as daily washing, try it you may enjoy it
April 28, 2009 at 8:06 AM