This evening while speaking to a new knight just inside the city walls, I was attacked from behind. Despite the cowardly manner in which the fight began I was able to prevail and capture my attacker.
It was at this point that I realized my attacker was none other than the shape shifter Crystal Frostbite.
As some of you may know this woman is wanted by the knights for attacking their leader lady Jordi.
Apparently this Crystal intends to enslave Jordi until such time as she gives birth to her child. Crystal wishes to raise the child as her own, converting him to undead when he is grown so that the undead will have their very own knight with influence over Jordi.
As a good citizen and loyal ally of the knights I turned Crystal over to the lady Knight Gara and Knight Commander Pawlaew. They promptly took her off to the dungeon to await her punishment.
Now being a curios sort of fellow I just happened to stumble into the dungeon some time later. I found Gara alone in the dungeon with the prisoner. Why she was left to stand guard alone I can not say. Now it was immediately apparent to me that Gara was in some sort of trace state. This suspicion was confirmed when I heard Crystal whispering to her for help. I jumped between them blocking their line of sight and tried to snap Gara out of her trance. I even went so far as to smack her across the face, but alas I was unable to bring her around. I sent an urgent message to KCEE, the leader of the Magi, requesting her assistance.
She arrived in the dungeon using the corridors of magic and I explained the situation. She set about healing Gara and ordered me to guard the prisoner. I took a few steps closer to Crystal and looked at her curiously. This dear readers is where my memory of the event ends. I will however recount to you the final events as they were told to me by KCEE.
As KCEE began to weave her magic around me she heard a soft whisper but thought nothing of it. Upon completing her spell she looked up to find that I myself had cut loose the bonds holding Crystal down. KCEE confronted me and realized I too had been placed in a trance. The fiendish Crystal pleading for my help, told me that these two women who I admire and trust wished to hurt and imprison her!
When KCEE moved to take my sword I charged her knocking her to the floor. As I moved to attack Gara the wily undead slipped up the ramp leading from the dungeon. Calling down to me to kill the two women so they could hurt her no more. My attention was distracted for mere seconds, but with great courage Gara acted. She struck out, knocking my scimitar from my hand. Drawing a dagger from her bodice she pined me against the wall. She called out to KCEE rousing her as her razor sharp dagger bit into my neck. KCEE leapt to Gara’s aid and began to perform the same ceremony she had so recently used on Gara. Calling upon the four guardians to lift the vial from my mind.
Seeing her plan to kill thee two fine women fall apart Crystal made her escape, it is assumed she is in the catacombs but one can be sure she will make another attempt at lady Jordi.
KCEE in her infinite wisdom placed charms about Gara, herself and I so that we will never again fall victims to hypnosis.
Be warned Ireem there is a very dangerous shape shifter on the lose who goes by the name Crystal Frostbite. Faithful readers you may also rest assured I will not stop until I have made her pay for the things I did while in her control!
Dinky said...
*growls angrily at Chrystal*
Do not DARE to try that again to him or anyone else !! Or I will make your life more hell, then you ever thought !
*turns to Tim and wraps her arms around him*
Are you okay ? I threatened her Sir, she will not try again... *nods nods*
April 18, 2009 at 7:29 AM