Dear reader, as you already noticed, Raiden Yarrowroot is no longer slaver! Rumors tell about a lost bet, one says he heard about a hidden gold treasure under a Bedu tent, which he now tries to find "undercover", others say he just enjoys to watch the Harem of Bedu Leader Sir Jordan. Whatever his reasons are, I of course will interview him personally about it !!

This morning I found following scroll in the box infront of my office:


The sands belong to me and my bedu family: anyone slaver that steps foot in the sands...will taste my steel. The prey that travels there...belongs to me and my family and slavers will pay. The slavers have threatened my i will show them what threats bring....

Raiden Yarrowroot

Palace Scribe Lady Elysa already heard of this message and talked about it with Slaver Leader Jaril Rexen. Jaril's statement was not unexpected: " You can tell him he can go to hell! And tell him that he is a dead man walking!! Add that we will use the scroll to clean the tent from his presence !"

A reliable source of mine which I cannot reveal here, even heard her getting really mad. My duty as reporter of this decent newspaper does not allow me to hide things from you, so I decided to blackout the nasty parts: "This f****** d*** a******!!! I f****** trusted him! He f****** betrayed our whole d*** camp! He will f****** die for that d*** b****** ! This is a f****** war now! "

The interview will be held as soon as possible, but as his threat now counts for me too, I first have to take measures for my security.


It ABOUT time, Raiden joined the bedus. The Bedus have been putting up with too much and I hope that all the slavers run like hell now!

April 6, 2009 at 8:09 AM  

You are always in my heart Raiden...always my brother *wipes a stubborn running tear from her cheek*

I will bring you back. You and Chris!
Or my name isn't Star! Star Texan!

April 9, 2009 at 10:43 AM  

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