Voting has ended and only revealed, what rumors already spread: The Slaver girl's group is winner of the official election "Most beautiful girls in Ireem"!!
In spite of several calls to place their votes, sadly our male citizen were very lazy, so I only recieved 6 votes at all. Shame on you! Do not forget, the girls permanently try to look hot and sexy for YOU ! Whatever....girls, lets show the males, how a "real" election is working !

Most sexy guys in Ireem :
Female predators, knights and preys: Come and vote the "Officially most sexy group of guys in Ireem " Please keep in mind, this election is not about single males but of the complete group itself ! Send your vote by IM to Dinky Wingtips. The result of the election will be revealed on 1st of May ! So let the votes begin !


pppfftttt...says the slaver girl that counted the votes...the prey are the most beautiful group...ask anyone! ;p


April 3, 2009 at 12:31 PM  

Have to say.... was there ever any competition??
Us Slaver girls have it all... looks, money and power! What could be sexier??


April 4, 2009 at 1:31 AM  

I dont think so.. the Hareem girls are the most beautiful in all Ireem.. We can do any competition?
any votes?

April 4, 2009 at 4:41 PM  

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