As I was wandering around yesterday, doing as I usually do...snooping and such, I decided to explore the magi tower, I'd never been inside it, very beautiful place by the way.

Down in the basement of it I stumbled upon Anne and the Sultana...I went into shock, and then screamed out for Knights or anyone around to come help, not sure why Anne would be alone with the Sultana in the basement of the magi tower.

The good Knight Camell did come running, as Anne took off for safety, she and the Sultana trying to explain to me that Anne was not a part of this, I'd need more info before printing any of that yet.

I am very pleased to say our Sultana is back in her place of power, where she belongs, I believe she was being hidden against any further assassination attempts made on her life..but the bad part of all this is that the assassin , the true assassin is still out there, beware folks.

- Tre


I and nearly all of Ireem will be delighted ot hear htei sonderful news....some of ushave been praying for a miraculouis recovery. But perhaps it would have been better if this news were delayed a bit until the assassin(s) are apprehended. Now they know theyhave unfinished business and will try again.

November 1, 2008 at 3:46 PM  

I'm a reporter...heh. I delayed it 24 hours as the Sultana wished of me, asking for more would have been pure torture, don't make me cry!

November 1, 2008 at 7:29 PM  

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