On recent article published in this paper, one anonymous knight commented that there is indeed NO chastity vow taken by the knights. As it happened, this was something I was investigating, my curiosity having been piqued by the reference in Bikku's note and the fact that I've never seen any firm evidence that the infamous code exists.

Asking two senior knights, Camell Uggla and Dream Questi, it was clarified for me that indeed, our paper's commenter was correct: The infamous Vow of Chastity required to be taken by all knights does not exist. However, individual knights may indeed take such vows as is thier personal preference. Perhaps this is the way the rumor got started in the first place? Or, perhaps more insidiously, some unseen force in our kingdom devised this evil plan as a way of keeping all of Ireem's knights sexually frustrated. Either way, let the truth be known!

Before knights start taking off thier armor just yet, let them heed the wise words of Dream on his vision for the knights: "[It's] up to the knight.. but the best of knights, they only involve themselves in meaningful things and exhibit self control; A lost art in this land." "[They] should have meaningful relationships and not succomb to the whims of desire... especially [for] others who may not have your best interest."

It remains to be seen what the implications of this revelation are. Perhaps now the knights, so far immune to the wave of pregnancies striking our kingdom, will now have little ones coming? Or perhaps the knights, in their constant service to the prey of the kingdom, will begin taking them to their camp and showing them a good time while the dangerous denizens of the desert are off waving their swords around?

Time will tell. :)


There are some in the knighthood who identify themselves as templar knights who have taken a vow of chastity. They are well respected as are the knights who already exemplify Sir Dream's vision.

November 23, 2008 at 11:43 AM  

Best piece of investigative journalism that I have seen since the ireem cronicles opened!

Prince Kamala

November 23, 2008 at 3:50 PM  

Knights immune to the wave of pregnancies?

Ahem! My infant is only a few months old. Little Melanthe, I am happy to say, is beginning to sprout wings like her daddy's.

November 24, 2008 at 8:00 PM  

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