CODE OF CONDUCT for the Knighthood of Ireem

Last updated: 11/08/2008

The Knighthood of Ireem is an elite group of honorable soldiers. It is not for everyone. Our mission is to protect the weak and innocent, to assure peace in the kingdom, and see that justice is maintained.


The current leader of the Knights is Dream Questi. The leader is responsible to decide policy, mediate disputes within the ranks, designate Senior Knights, and to execute the policy. The leader is the guardian of our honor.

Senior Knights are chosen by the leader to help administrate and execute policy. When the leader is not available, the Seniors should be deferred to for issues of leadership. Our Seniors at this time are: Dano (most senior), Seraf, Camell, Kazuma.


A knight is an admirable example of honor and loyalty, first and foremost. Respect is the second quality of a Knight; all knights will respect each other, the citizens, and even our enemies. We follow a higher standard.

1) The Knighthood of Ireem is an Order, and military, and therefor all obey a hierarchy of authority.

2) Knights do not initiate combat, except in certain circumstances, as detailed below.

3) Knights may not keep slaves, except as a temporary condition as a result of bargaining for that slave's freedom. Knights may have a voluntary squire or page.

4) Torture or abuse of captives, other than to keep control of them, is forbidden.

5) Knights will respect safe zones, and will not fight or push within them.

6) Generally, Knights fight and kill only when there is a good reason in role play to do so. Seeing aggressive behavior in the city or our camp, is sufficient reason for Kill On Sight. Unwelcome intrusion into the Knight's camp is sufficient to initiate combat. In addition if a knight had been captured by a pred group and not given there freedom (i.e. slavers, undead, etc) you may attack members of that pred group on sight so that we have someone to trade for the captive knights release. Kill On Sight orders may be given by the Leader or Seniors.

7) Knights must ask a Prey if they want help in order to interfere with a capture. No answer, or a 'no', means we may not interfere.

8) Once a Prey is captured, they are the property of the Captor, a Knight may not simply attack the Captor, ask the slave if they wish to be free. If they do then you must first Bargain or debate with the Captor, but if they refuse to render the Prey up then you may challenge them for the Preys freedom, if you loose you must let them pass. (when doing this make it clear that the winer is to free the looser at no cost}

9) Honor requires that we use civil language at all times.

10) A knight may challenge anyone to a duel, which is formal combat, except another Knight. If you have a problem with a brother or sister's conduct, take it to the leader or Seniors. An exception is that if you see a Knight torture a captive, you are to stop them immediately.

11) The desert is a harsh environment, so it is no loss of honor to flee a battle when you are about to die.

12) Above all, Knights must inspire confidence, trust , and respect in the population.

Ser Dano Wylie Knight Templar


very well put. =)


November 19, 2008 at 8:53 AM  

Very well said, Dano.

Now tell me, do these so called honorable knights of yours listen to this policy propaganda or will they adhere to a larger force in Ireem: The Sultana's.

I cannot wait to see the choices they make.

Group Leader will respect individuals that don't wish to participate in group activities, and they would rather play as individuals. On the other side, individual players, who don't wish to participate in group activities, may not sabotage and interfere with the group activities.

Knights can also fight with each other (same as predators). Since they are supposed to be on the same side, if you are a knight and want to start a fight with another knight, for example, you will have to roleplay with him somehow (maybe jealousy over a woman?).
Anyway, try to keep your role within the game as much as possible.

From the scrolls of the Sultana herself

November 19, 2008 at 2:46 PM  

exactly as previous reply says... keep it role play folks! The ooc drama shouldn't be your role. So for that, please don't speak of others ooc.

thank you for protecting us all knights.

November 20, 2008 at 8:10 AM  

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