Why do you feel you would make a good Magi Leader?
*Petertron Nieuport: The Magi need an archmage that understands the going ons of the Magical world. As someone who has gazed unto the ur-vortex for the past few years, I feel a strong feeling of comprehension of the arcane and occult mysteries. As such, I also feel I understand the fabric of magic that the Magi interact with, and all the strange forces that effect it as such. But that is just the fundamental platform I stand on. I have been active in the community, and have worked with the undead community with a number of issues. Finally, I strongly feel the Magi have been in the background in the political arena far too long. With our talents, knowledge, and skill, it is a shame that we are so underrepresented and inactive. I aim to change this by strengthening the unity of the Magi, and applying this unity to a number of issues.
*Skip Thespian: I am a sorcerer of the first class. I will draw the Magi together and lead them into a new dawn of peaceful co-existance with others. We are here to aid those who ask...and influence the future of Ireem.
*Anneliese Wolfenhaut: I am creative, and can help a group come up with all sorts of mayhem. Of course, I would not do this, now that I am magi and not Undead. I wouldn't dream of causing trouble around Ireem. The people of Ireem should be aware that I would never do anything bad or above reproach. I can be trusted.
*Marilyn Breen: I have competence in alchemy, spell casting and potions
What is it you have to offer your tribe that the others going against you may not have?
*Petertron Nieuport: Ireem was built upon unholy ground, hence the existence of the undead and other strange phenomena. In my studies, I have learned a great amount about the history of this place, and what must be done to maintain the balance of power. Otherwise, dark horrible things would slip from the seams of reality, devouring mind, soul, and matter with horrific black tentacles that rot away at the very substance of time and space itself. The Magi must act as the caretakers of this city, keeping the darkness at bay. I also believe we should hold regular bake sales, and start offering intro to Magic classes, and even organize community support to help solve some of the fundamental problems with the city.
*Skip Thespian: I am a sorcerer with deep knowledge of the occult. I have more than 40 kills, and have no fear of defeat. I know how to lead men and women into battle with victorious results. I have strong mind and quick wit, and understand the essence of politics.
*Anneliese Wolfenhaut: I have experience as an Undead, and am very efficient in turning them human. Which most in Ireem are happy to see done, of course. Fewer monsters makes for a safer city. I tend to be good at recruiting, and increase numbers, and organizing what we have, as well.
I also have many good friends in other groups, and have experience planning actions which involve all of Ireem. (Remember, the Sultana was PROTECTED by the Magi, and avoided assassination!)
I also tend to throw really fun parties, and if I am elected, we will have a big bash in the tower, and show you some tricks.
Unlike some of the other candidates, I am completely good and would never do anything bad. The people of Ireem should know this. I can be trusted.
*Marilyn Breen: Experience
Do you have goals for the Magi, something that will give them an idea of what is in store for them with you at the helm?
*Petertron Nieuport: Organization. The Magi are a loosely tied group of academics, sorcerers, and seers, many with great talent, but due to the nature of the beast, they are scattered to the wind. I intend to bring all Magi under my cloak into a unified order of the Magi, which will organize to deal with some of the problems, and work to ensure the safety and general health of all Ireem's citizens. I also intend to institute a general health care plan which will make sure all members of the Magi are kept in good health and protected from all sorts of magical maladies.
*Skip Thespian: All can expect that the Magi will learn to work together to help make our group strong once more. I will develop the overall strength and character of the Magi organization in this fair city. To be a magi will again be a badge of honor.
*Anneliese Wolfenhaut: I should like all the magi to compile our knowledge. To record potions, spells, and rituals, so we may share them between ourselves, and increase the powers of all of us.
I should also like the magi to have more involvement with the palace, of course. This is a priority, in my opinion, as our Dear Sultana is in need of assistance, and, if I may be so bold as to say it, perhaps guidance.
Did I mention I told her fortune for her yesterday?
Of couse, the Sultana has nothing to fear from me. The people of Ireem should know, I would never do anything bad, and I can be trusted.
*Marilyn Breen: I would love the magi to be more organized and carry out events with good role play in them
The magi area pretty secretive group, is that the way it is going to be in the future, or are there plans for bringing them more out into the public eye?
*Petertron Nieuport: Yes. As I said earlier, the Magi are a loose and unorganized group that suffers from a great amount of in-fighting. I intend to organize the Magi to more productive ends where we can give back to the community and use as many Magi as possible to promote an organized agenda that benefits Ireem. While the secrets of the Magi will more or less be kept to ourselves, there is no reason why we can't give back to the community that has allowed us to stay here.
*Skip Thespian: We shall be in the public eye, very visably walking the streets of Ireem! Our mission may not always be clear to outsiders, I cannot deny that.
*Anneliese Wolfenhaut: Magi are always willing to help, and more and more we are interacting with other groups in Ireem. And you need not know our secrets in order to benefit from the good we do. No doubt, you have already been affected by our good works, you just perhaps do not realize in all the ways we have changed your life.
Remember, too, that the Magi mean no harm, we do good for all. And we can be trusted.
*Marilyn Breen: the plan is to bring them more on the open but keeping the secrets on their practises
I hear it rumored often that the Magi and Djinn are basically the same, how could you help to quiet those words from the folks of Ireem?
*Petertron Nieuport: Believing such a rumor is silly. It's like saying the slavers are the same as the knights because they both use swords. Both Magi and Djinn use magic, but their natures are very dissimilar- Magi are practitioners of the arcane arts, Djinn are elemental beings.
*Skip Thespian: Magi are the more serious magic users. We study and write books, study methodology, compound potions, write spells, and have regular classes as well as tame wild magic and use innate ability.
*Anneliese Wolfenhaut: Djinn are demonic, not human. They are unpredictable. Magi, as highly educated humans, are rational beings.
Djinn torture those they capture for some sick pleasure of their own, or out of dark need. Magi, if we torture, do it in the name of education and learning.
So the people of Ireem really need not fear us; whatever we do to them is done for the good of alll. The magi can be trusted.
*Marilyn Breen: we don't need to quiet any voice
Magic has a very strong pull, tell me...do the Magi ever enslave by trickery and deceipt? And is there anything you could do to help stop that?
*Petertron Nieuport: Individual Magi may use a number of methods to enslave individuals, but my official stance and the stance of the Magi order is that we do what we can to respect the local law. Under my rule, however, we will attempt to stomp out any such behavior when possible, but due to the hard times, people will do whatever they can to make some extra coin. It is the duty of the knights to enforce the laws of Ireem.
*Skip Thespian: Never have we, to my knowlege, enslaved anyone! Not that, in the past, there may have been some who have done so, but not under my leadership will this happen. And to stop it should I determine it is happening well, let's just say that i am persuasive.
*Anneliese Wolfenhaut: Trickery? We do not resort to trickery, so the people of Ireem need not concern themselves with that question.
We mean only good, and the people of Ireem should know that we can be truested.
*Marilyn Breen: Magi should enslave by that!!! Our power is not in the swords mainly but in the ability to use the powers the spirits give us
If you are elected, what will be your first plan of action as Magi leader?
*Petertron Nieuport: Well, I myself will go down to the tavern and buy a round of drinks for everybody there. Then I might laugh maniacally, as is the time honored tradition of a Magi when he receives power. But after that, I intend to call a meeting of the Magi, so we can discuss plans to organize and work together. Furthermore, I hope to enact my Magi registration plan, which will create a census of all Magi, so that they can be utilized more efficiently, for both law enforcement and community causes.
*Skip Thespian: To unite the Magi as one.
*Anneliese Wolfenhaut: To meet with the magi, individually, and find out what their personal goals are, what they wish to contribute to Ireem, and what they wish to learn.
Then meet as a group, and plan future actions.
Of course, this would not involve any mayhem or tumult.
The people of Ireem should know that I will only do good, and I can be trusted.
*Marilyn Breen: Organizing the tower better than it is right now
Final words before I publish this?
*Petertron Nieuport: The Magi are in dire need of direction. I bring this to the table. I feel my opponents lack the skill at organization and the knowledge to take the Magi in the direction where we can really create some change. Please vote for me, your vote will not be in vain.
*Skip Thespian: I am simply the most powerful and well known magi in the kingdom I am friends with powerful people. A vote for me is a vote for Magi strength and unity.
*Marilyn Breen: Spirits of the Seven Winds
Keepers of the powers
Transporters of knowledge, wisdom and truth
Guardians of the earth, sea and sky
Hear this pleading of a wayward traveler
Grant me audience before thine eyes and ears
That thus this may be heard
And my needs be seen.
Those who fear thee—seek me
Those who thou dost loathe—abhor me
In thy path, I wish to walk
And with thy voice I desire to talk
Clothe my bones with the strength of thy strengths
Fortify my mind with thine solid foundation
Gathered from the expanse of the universe
And carried by thine able hands
That in thy wisdom and truth
And through the purity of your spirit
These things may be imparted unto me.
Spirits of the Seven Winds hear my cry
And let this thus be so.
Anonymous said...
Please. . .Dijn and Magi the same? Magi are mortal, they live their short lives and study their parlor tricks and then vanish and the Dijn have to listen to a new crop of mortals comparing themselves favorably to those who have been there and done that thousands of years ago.
November 12, 2008 at 4:55 PM
Anonymous said...
I am amused and concerned about the comparison of Djinn and Magi but I am even more concerned that all Djinn are referred to as demons. Perhaps the amused djinn commenting here is an ilfrit demon. There are many tribes of djinn and we have enemies and friends within our own kind but djinn are mortal, we just live longer than most humans and many of us are kind qareen.
November 12, 2008 at 5:14 PM