The party was a success, with the Ship's Inn being completely crowded by partying individuals celebrating Jonathon's election. The food was delicious, as were the men and women, and true to form for any good Ireem party, clothes started to be shed rapidly as the evening rolled on and partygoers became more frisky with each other :)

The perils of alcohol were evident, however, as Ireem was also treated to the very entertaining antics of extremely drunk Bedouins Chris Wilder and Sir Jordan. Chris reportedly had to be carried out of the bar by his faithful girl Olive, who made this statement: "I was very disappointed in his behaviour and that combined with other recent events has led to me request that he wander Ireem wearing a tag that states "I'm a Bone Head occassionally, but Oli still loves Me". Additionally, Sir Jordan's unrestrained merriment and lust for removing random clothing was only matched by his lack of coordination and increasingly disturbing numbers of half-naked Djinns he kept seeing. (Although Djinns are known for thier illusions.. perhaps he was seeing something that nobody else did?) A complaint has been additionally filed against Sir Jordan for defacing public property by peeing on the auction stand as he returned to his home camp. Will the terror never end?

Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the party, a group of the kingdom's finest girls (Pictured Left to Right: Dinky Wingtips, Olive MacMoragh, and Selena Sigal) took over the often-claimed hill in the middle of the desert, renaming it officially "Hard to Tame Hill", and making this statement: "It's our hill now because we say so! It will stay ours, and anyone who wants to stay there should ask our permission." Can anyone in Ireem possibly argue with this claim? It seems that it may truly stay "Hard to Tame" hill this time, much to the relief of the kingdom cartographers. You never know who still awaits their chance to claim the often-disputed hill, however.....


well...just let it stay "Hard to Tame" hill...otherwise our revenge will be sooo dreadful...we are preys, but we have our possibilities ! *grins*

an anonymous lil' troublemaker

November 23, 2008 at 6:00 PM is our hill and we are currently working on having a marker placed on the top that will read "Hard to Tame Hill, owned by Dinky, Olive, and Selena"...we love company on our hill, but no fighting please... *smiles*

an anonymous martini garnish...

November 23, 2008 at 9:23 PM  

"Hard to Tame Hill... " no name will suit better... and may some poor slaves own something too for a change... so next party we have... lets cheer on the "Hard to tame Hill"

"one of the 3 lil troublemakers"

November 23, 2008 at 9:36 PM  

You girls should keep standing there then. The bedu camp is closeby enough to kidnap one of you.

The name of the hill is good! You might consider though that there are people that are "Impossible to tame".

November 23, 2008 at 11:30 PM  

Dern, I crashed and could not get back in......Missed the good stuff.
But we will continue having parties until behavior deteriorates.

November 24, 2008 at 3:43 AM  

Dungeon Keeper Rana tried to force the girls yesterday to give up the hill, even with selling one of them, but failed !

Dinky sticks her tongue out: " Oh Rana ! You can sooooo forget it! This hill will stay ours! Forever!"

An anonymous and amused auction watcher

November 25, 2008 at 5:18 AM  

Rana and I WILL take our hill back!!! GO GUARD HILL!!!!!

November 25, 2008 at 7:59 AM  

I want to remind everone that a certain bedu claimed the hill first.. even if he had to name it for a Knight..

Signed someone that wishes that had named is Oli's hill.

November 25, 2008 at 9:09 AM  

Today that Bedu (chris) lost the hill in a battle with Raychelle...After being defeated Chris Wilder shouted for all of Ireem to hear that the hill belongs to Raychelle.

November 25, 2008 at 1:37 PM  

pppppffffffff....never ! it will stay "Hard to Tame Hill"
We preys did not loose any fight *grins*

November 25, 2008 at 4:09 PM  

Raychelle should be careful or I will come for her again :)

November 25, 2008 at 11:24 PM sweet Bone is Oli's Hill to you and me...but Dinky, Selena, and I have claimed it officially as Hard to Tame Hill...and it will stay that until someone defeats us and reclaims it- which considering none of the three of us carry swords or actually fight, will be impossible to do.. *grins*...and on another note...big thanks to Daliliah for planting the daisies...I SOOO love daisies, but could you do me a favor and water them for me before they die?? *smiles sweetly*



November 26, 2008 at 6:05 AM  

Prey can't own anything...they are slaves.

November 26, 2008 at 8:57 AM  

wait um I don't own the paper??? GASP!

November 26, 2008 at 6:38 PM  

Don't mind anonymous... let whoever is it try to chase me, and I'll own his/her ass, thereby proving the fallacy of that statement

November 27, 2008 at 4:36 AM  

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