NEWS: The prizes are in!

The Palace and Princess Page Siegel with Djinn Misfit Sonoran wish to send their gratitude for all who participated in the hunt for the 4 Elemental Cases and the Jade Heart.

In speacial recognition for their valiant efforts in the search are:
 Random woman who found the Jade Heart and Earth Elemental.
 Mebo Grut found the Water and Fire Elemental
 &  Jakub Despres found the Air elemental... Even though he tried to hold out for a higher amount as  he wanted of 2000 dinar... Jakub after some scolding from some random woman relented and settled for the agreed upon price of 1000 Dinar for the last Elemental Scroll Case

Each person returned the Elemental Scroll Cases with their Scrolls intact.

Now these items will be given to Indi Queen of the Djinn and Kai Leader of the Magi to see if they can work their Magic and break the Curse off Princess Page and Djinn Misfit Sonoran.

Princess Page


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