My name is Eve, and most of you know me i think, but for those who dont, i would like to tell you a bit about myself.

  Since i came to Ireem, i saw many bloody fights, cruel punishments with whips on slaves for example and all forms of wounds. I always felt the urge to help.
This is what made me learn how to use special herbs to cure illnesses or treat wounds. There has been a lot of knowledge about this in my bedouin family, as we often had to take care of our wounds on our own. Now i would like to share this knowledge with those in need and hope i can become the new owner of the hospital.

To achieve this, i need your help and hope for your votes.

My plans for the hospital would be, to find new ways to take care of wounds and heal more effectively. Therefor i plan to get more people to work there and i will be looking for some sexy nurses for the male patients and also some handsome male doctors for the ladies.
Also, i hope i can get some slaves involved, who can take care of the minor duties there.
Magi and Djinn power is an essential part of healing so i hope we can find a way to work together and create some new healing potions together. Test persons fort he potions will be needed too ;)
The stay at the hospital should be safe and also somehow comfortable.
Perhaps we can even get some new beds and i promise i will not let any harmed person, who enterst he hospital, be attacked.
As i am also the Bedouin Co leader some of you might certainly think i wont take so much care of the wounds of my enemies. But if you come to me with a sheathed weapon, i will help you, no matter which race or clan you are in.

Another point which you might be concerned about is that i fight a lot to protect my family, but this means also that im always close to the battles and can take care directly of peoples wounds. I see this as an advantage and being a physican and helping people wont stop at the physicans door or at the gates for me. If i see a hurt person on the battle grounds i will do my best to help out with some bandages, potions or whatever is needed.

And for my enemies, if im busy at the hospital, i wouldnt have time to hunt you, so consider it is also an advantage for you ;)
I would be very happy about your vote for me!
Good health and warm breezes everyone,
Eve Forgraine


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