Berserk Djinn attacks unsuspecting citizens of Ireem!
A crazed Djinn, LucianFlame, attacked three citizens of Ireem in broad daylight while they were going about their business. Earlier in the day, the criminal Djinn had attempted theft at several of Ireem's businesses. While evading capture by the Knights of the City, he came up behind the Cronicles own Pasha Braveheart as she walked with her husband, physician and priest, Hawke. At that point, he did strike Pasha in the head with his weapon, injuring her gravely and causing her to collapse. Bleeding profusely from a gapping wound, she was attended by a healer, Icy Silverweb, who happened to be nearby, while her husband took off after the culprit.
Also nearby was a bedouin Simoon, known as Velvet Hamelin, who joined the chase along with Hawke to capture the attacker. In his deranged state, the frenzied Djinn resisted apprehension putting up a fight that continued within the city and outside the city walls. In the process, the evil Djinn did injure yet another innocent bystander named neo who required treatment for wounds inflicted by the lunatic.
Finally, Velvet, having successfully captured the criminal, turned him over to Hawke for punishment. While not in his character to inflict punishment, urged on by his indignant wife, he did, with the help of bystanders, raise him and tie him onto the crux near the city gates. In his vulnerable state, the Djinn was then subjected to verbal insults and was pelted with rotted fruit and vegetables and handfulls of camel dung that was lying about! After several hours of this, and after paying suitable ransom to Hawke, he was released.
Citizens of Ireem! Be on the watch for this unstable Djinn! There is no telling when he will go berserk again and do great damage to anyone in his path! Steer clear of this madman!
reported by Pasha Braveheart
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