EVENT: Dance Contest

Upcoming: Ireems Dance contest.
location: SlavesHead Inn
time : Friday august 5th at noon

To bring some laugher and fun back in ireem the SlavesHead Inn is proud to present a fabulous event on this friday to come : a Dance Contest.
With a jury carefully selected by our beloved Sultana herself , you can winn a prize up to G$ 2000,-

All girls are invited to join this great event. Please note that not only the dancesikills are part of the judgement, also the attire will be build in the outcome. Put on your best dance-silks -practice your moves and all.. sign in to be part of this contest. I am sure this will be the talk of the town for years to come.

Drinks and snacks are on the house. Served by Ireems most beautifull slaves.
Even if you dont dance yourself .. this is an event you dont want to miss!

To enter the contest please contact Am Demina or MeBo Grut


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