The Wind...

Seems to carry with it strange tunes and soft music, that softly pulsating , throbbing beat that can capture your mind, your senses, your spirit, and your belly, if you take the time to let it be heard by your ears.

I met a Magi today, I can not quite recall his name, but be sure if you meet this Magi, you will be honored if he stops to give you a bit of his tales. He seems to have the power to allow you to relax, let the music of the wind carry through you, clear your mind of stress and anxiety.

A stranger to Ireem, but perhaps he can be enticed to stay in our city, his magic is powerful, I experienced it, and came away very glad I did.

Hear the music of the wind...discern what it has to tell you, close your eyes, relax, and be carried away at times to the soft comfort of the music of our times.

- Tre


Tre: This is a very pleasant, warm story, and I will listen for the "music of the wind" But I have been distracted by the din of pitched battle in the fountain courtyard, the shouts of Cafe invasion, snarled death threats from the undead, the roar of the arson fire at the bakery, the cries of those treated for burn wounds and the weeping of our attacked baker. But none of yesterdays sad events in the Chronicles. Did the occurrences not get noticed, or is the Chronicle policy to focus on "All Entertainment?" [editorial note: punctuation within quotes?]
un , but hav

December 22, 2008 at 6:22 AM  

Sadly I can not be everywhere at once...if it is not reported to me..I can't report it. Nor Sage. Sorry.

December 22, 2008 at 9:10 AM  

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