The War has begun

Sir Dano is Killed; Battlelines are Drawn

It is with sorrow in my heart that I bear bad news for all the people of Ireem.

War has begun.

The Undead have driven us down a course that cannot be altered. By slaughtering the knights leader, Sir Dano, in front of all of Ireem, they have marked the battle lines.

And this, just one day after the Undead elected their new leader.

This bodes ill for all of us.

Never, in all my time in Ireem, have I seen the knights so furious and determined. They seek all Undead, and all Undead supporters.

We understand that the slavers will join the Undead. In fact, we understand that the slavers offered an alliance with Undead even before this horrible act was committed.

The Magi will assist the knights in any way we can, of course. And we hope the Dungeoners will do the same, despite their lack of official leadership.

The bedu refuse to ally with either knights or undead. Therefore, we believe they will be attacked by both groups.

We await word from the Djinn leader, Nakira, but we assume they will assist the Undead, as they usually do.

We all offer this advice to the citizens of Ireem -- do not attack the Undead or any other predators except in matters of self defense. If Undead are causing a problem in the city, call knights, magi, or dungeoners for help.

This war is not one the citizens should be involved in. Stay safe. Keep your children home.

This is war. And when Aizen is finally captured, I will throw a fabulous party, and you will all be invited!

~Anneliese Wolfenhaut,
Magi Leader,
on behalf of the Good Guys


It is distressing but not a surprise to hear of the declaration of war, but citizens have been taking increasing casualties for some time, mostly at the hands of individual undead and slavers while remembering that both groups also include some fine, decent predators. And while we appreciate the intent of the knights, magi and guards to keep the peace, their effort have simply not deterred the rise in street crime, including assault, battery, injuries, death threats, thefts and recently arson. So citizens have been compelled to defend themselves more assiduously. We have intent of attacking the undead or members of any other group unless they present a clear and imminent threat to us. And
if our proclaimed defenders are there to help, wonderful. bu most often we are left to our own devices. Personally I have set aside my own weapon in an effort to reduce violence and offer no excuse for an attack, but I fully understand my fellow merchants who draw a blade when one is brandished in their faces.

December 22, 2008 at 7:17 PM  

It is distressing but not a surprise to hear of the declaration of war, but citizens have been taking increasing casualties for some time, mostly at the hands of individual undead and slavers... while remembering that both groups also include some fine, decent predators. Although we appreciate the intent of the knights, magi and guards to keep the peace, their efforts have simply not deterred the rise in street crime against citizens, including assault, battery, injuries, death threats, thefts and recently arson. So citizens have been compelled to defend themselves more assiduously. We have no intent of attacking the undead or members of any other group unless they present a clear and imminent threat to us. And
if our proclaimed defenders are there to help, wonderful! But most often we are left to our own devices.
Personally I have set aside my own weapon in an effort to reduce violence and offer no excuse for an attack, but I fully understand my fellow merchants who draw a blade when one is brandished in their faces.

December 22, 2008 at 7:22 PM  

while i fully sympathize with your situation, Elder, war does not leave the city untouched. and we are at war. weapons will b carried at all times. i do apologize if that makes you or any of the other citizens uncomfortable, but it is a necessity that we remain prepared wherever we go.

December 22, 2008 at 8:59 PM  

In light of an incident at the Knights Inn last night, I will ask one very important question.

Will the Citizens support the Knights?

During a battle outside of the Knights Inn between the Knights and Undead, a very famished Knight (Krist) came in to replenish his strength. He was told to sheath his weapon before being allowed to partake of the food. A rather lengthy discussion ensued between the Owner of the Inn and all present.
Outside, the war raged on.
While I can understand the Citizen's wish to keep the violence at bay and protect their family and source of income, what I cannot understand is their failure to help support the Knights in this cause.

A knight will do as a citizen bades them (sheathing inside a public house, not fighting within a public house) but will the Undead listen to the wishes of a Citizen? I think not.

Will the Citizen's weaken the Knight's ability to assist them?
The actions of this particular Citizen almost begged for a division between the Knights and the Citizen's. I pray to Allah that this is not so. We must band together in this war, for their numbers grow stronger.

(OOC~great rp Innkeeper! You are a whip!)

Bikku the Knight

December 23, 2008 at 5:24 AM  

The citizens of Ireem have a right to protect their property and their lives and livelihood just like knights have a right to protect their own lives. If we ask that no weapons be wielded, then perhaps the dungeon guards should begin arresting those who do not comply. Just last night, a slaver chased my friend Sage into the cafe and captured her, but as I followed and pointed out that Elder does not allow draw weapons or capturing within the cafe, the slaver freed Sage.

I was very pleased to see Elder's rules being honored!

December 23, 2008 at 7:58 AM  

The street's of Ireem belong to it's citizens, not the magi, not the knights, not the guards. If the citizens find that they cannot protect them then they will fight. And fight whoever is causing chaos in the streets, perhaps if people wish for their assistance they would be wise to not fight in the streets, then there would be no reason for citizens to have to chase them out.

December 23, 2008 at 4:01 PM  

Greetings Anonymous.
I am a bit unclear what your epistle was referring to. I will try to summarize what I think you are saying and welcome you to clarify where I may be wrong.
I commend your intent of protecting what is yours, even if it means that you must draw the blade, but your final paragraph leaves me wondering.

I quote you:
""perhaps if people wish for their assistance they would be wise to not fight in the streets, then there would be no reason for citizens to have to chase them out.""

If which people wish for assistance and from whom?

I only hope to understand your point of view a little more clearly.

I hope that you understand from the Knights point of view, that we cannot dictate where a battle will be raised or to what grounds it will travel once started. We only seek to gain sustenance by entering the Inn's. That our biggest hope is not to create more havoc than necessary.

Bikku the Knight
Ruler of Bikku's Mound

December 23, 2008 at 4:29 PM  

My apologies Biku, my note was written with a bit of haste and perhaps made less clear because of it. The knights and the undead have begun a battle that has spilled over. . .rather violently into the streets. The citizens of Ireem welcome the protection the knights afford, but more and more it has become the consensus of many inhabitants that both sides are simply out to fight, and that these days that [some/many] knights are beginning to use such protection as an excuse rather than as a cause.

What I am trying to say by this is that the knights are beginning to be viewed as instigators in the bloody battles that send many citizens scurrying into nearby shops and doorways. It is welcome indeed when being threatened by a slaver or undead for a knight to come to the rescue, but simply attacking in the streets because they are there does nothing to keep the peace.

Please if at all possible try to draw the fighting outside the city so that we are not left trying to pick up the tattered remains of carpets, the broken shatters of pottery and even yes, I found several swords lying around one of the gates.

The citizens have been basically told to sit back and hide, in the very city they call their own. Perhaps it might be a suggestion by this one that instead the knights work with the merchant guild to settle disputes and perhaps obtain aid (on a merchant by merchant basis of course) from those they claim to protect.

-Ash, Kadiara's Godmother

(yes I am horrible about forgetting to put my name on posts)

December 23, 2008 at 4:49 PM  

"Assume they will assist the undead as they usually do?" *blinks*

Assume NOTHING when it comes to the djinn!! We follow our own fiery hearts in all matters. Some djinn may chose to fight on both sides, but as a whole I imagine we will take no part in this silly war....

*mutters something about the whole world going to hell just because she's gone for a few days in other realms and storms off..*


December 23, 2008 at 10:19 PM  

Much clearer now. There seems to be a rising force in Ireem that many have been taking for granted and puts a new (and very interesting) dimension on the dynamics of our world.... the Citizens. I look forward to seeing a Leader from this group soon so that these issues may be addressed in a proper manner. Perhaps in the interim, the Citizens may seek an alliance with the Dungeoners or (gulp, shall I even suggest this?) the Bedouin (maybe not!) to aid in enforcing your individual rules. The resources of the Inn's are a major factor of the win or loss of battles. The sustenance you provide can determine who wins or loses a fight!

Yes, every individual~whether they be knight, slaver, undead or prey~may actually harbor the soul of blessings or evil. It is what makes Ireem a rich culture.

Know that the word will be put out to the Knights to respect the Inn's and their inhabitants and possessions. But please forgive the transgressions of a few in the heat of the war.

Bikku the Knight
Keeper of Bikku's Mound

December 24, 2008 at 3:50 AM  

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