To All of Ireem

I understand there is some kind of petty battle to be engaged in upon the sands. All factions have taken sides it would seem, but the request to the Djinn "leader" as it were has gone unanswered.

Understand that our people follow no code, we aid whomever we please. As far as I am concerned the knights still owe me for the last bit of assistance I gave them against the undead. The healing I gave knight Ash was not a free offer. The fact is this; if the undead want a djinn as an ally they need to ask individually, not one who claims to lead our kin.

I do not speak for the rest of the creatures here that call themselves djinn, but I speak for myself and any others who understand the ways of magic. You can not decide which direction the wind blows, but you can fan at it as an attempt to bring it your way.

In short; requesting the aid of the Djinn from one that calls themself the "Leader" of our kin is like yelling at fire. The only thing you will get from it is scorched lungs.

Yours truly
The Wind.


I think it important that undead and human alike realize that the so called leader of the djinn is simply a title bestowed by the sultana and is not recognized by the djinn, *including* the one who wears the title (think ambassador not leader). As this letter has stated, if you want help from a djinn you will have to ask that djinn. They answer for themselves and themselves only. The same holds true if you are attacked, don't assume that just because a djinn attacks you that the djinn race is your enemy. Some djinn might be bought, some might be convinced, some (most) probably would rather just avoid the fight all together.

December 23, 2008 at 4:07 PM  

I could not have said it better myself. Both the original article and the first reply by 'anonymous' are correct. The djinn are fiercely independent. Assume nothing when it comes to us. Treat each of us individually... we have never been, nor will we ever be of one mind.


December 23, 2008 at 10:33 PM  

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