I write this to the chronicles in hopes it will be posted for all to read.

As one of my customers only the other day said, there are Knights, and then there are Knights. My Inn bears the name, The Good Knights Inn, and has long been a haven for them, but am I to blindly support anyone who calls themselves a knight? A thief could walk in and declare himself a knight, but that does not make it so. I have never been a knight, and I have never been approached by the knights for any sort of exclusive business arrangements. So I treat all my customers fairly, even handedly, and I set those rules by my own moral standards, so long as it falls within the Palace's laws.
Yes I am a law abiding citizen, even if I carry a sword and use it to effect, it is always within lawful defense. How can I uphold the law? By setting an example, instead of letting any one man or woman declare themselves ABOVE the law.

If an undead drags his conflict into my Inn, I kick him and everyone involved out. If a knight drags his conflict into my Inn.. I do the same, why? Ask yourself first, why would a knight purposefully drag his conflicts into my Inn repeatedly when I ask him to keep it outside? Why would he needlessly endanger an Innkeeper and her staff and customers just to grab a mug of ale?
Others might tell you, he was wounded, he needed rest.. if it was so, he should come to the back, lay down and put up his weapon if he is so badly wounded he needs to remove himself from the fight. I also feel it is important to note when that same knight came back later, and put up his sword and sat peacefully, we defended him as a lawful and proper customer here at the Inn, when an undead tried to attack him.

I am not perfect but I call it as I see it, and anyone who shows due respect for my staff and my livlihood, will be well received at the Good Knights Inn. Anyone who shows blatant disregard for my Inn, my staff or my customers, will receive a swift kick out the door - knight or undead, I don't care. No one asked my permission to have a war on my doorstep, so as far as I'm concerned, hostile is hostile.

In short: Fight your own wars and stop trying to hide behind my skirts. I won't condone anyone bringing their fight into my Inn, and by the same token, I won't condone anyone abusing that rule to hide from a fight when they are about to lose!

Lady Drasyndra
Owner of the Good Knights Inn


Then be sure you and your bouncers do apply this "rule" of yours fairly. They are using you to continue the attacks on the knights. One could make the strong case you are in fact aiding them and a de-facto ally of theirs.

December 23, 2008 at 1:54 PM  

Random accusations from one too afraid to say who they are. The Knights Inn is meant to be safe for all who come in, both the Owner and the staff ensure this is so. You can make allegations that they did not defend the knights, but instead merely let them take blows. I was there, and as I recall anyone with a blade drawn was asked to leave, if and when they refused they were attacked. The fight spilled into the inn thrice. Warnings went unheeded thrice. Both the knights and the undead were forced to leave indiscriminantly.


December 23, 2008 at 3:08 PM  

I think the bouncer is a bit power trippy.

December 23, 2008 at 9:09 PM  

Power trippy? Everything said there seemed to make sense to me. Though the come back was excellent...*Sarcasm*

-No one

December 24, 2008 at 2:31 AM  

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