They're gettin' hitched!

There will be a small ceremony at KoS at 7:30pm (we hope!) Eastern (that's New York time for all you furriners). (4:30PM SL time) Feel free to come naked. It will not be a very formal ceremony, with Anneliese Wolfenhaut at Magical Binder for the Handfasting. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Ooo, hand bondage..)

The time is completely tentative, as there have been reports of the happy couple running to seperate corners of the kingdom, screaming something about commitment and cowering when they see members of the opposite sex (or anyone, in Bikku's case). So... really, it could happen anytime tonight, as soon as we can gather the people we need to track them down, tie them both up, and sit them in position. We do it for love :)

Something else do for love is poetry. Here's some!:
Beloved Krist,
Earth to my fire
You steady me
We can blaze alight knowing we have the means
To bring ourselves back to reality.
You are a dream I did not even know I needed.
We balance each other
And I am so in love with you.
Your Bik(ku)

Darling Bik(ku),
I was entranced when we first met but was too shy to say. We drifted apart but came back together. You played hard to get until you saw that I would love you and wait for you to decide. You made my heart jump when you came to me and I am now complete.
Your Krist

Do you have a poem about being partnered? The Happy couple(tm) would like to invite you to share it in the comments section. :)


The elements join,
Water, earth, wind, and fire
in eternal dance.

December 2, 2008 at 7:11 PM  

Thank you so much for coming to our handfasting. I was so happy (and nervous!) to see so many people there. You warmed my cockles. It is a joyful thing to meet, like and come to love someone special in your life. It is even more special when it can be shared and proclaimed to those we care about.

Anne, you did an outstanding job of not only the ceremony, but I would not have survived the pre-wedding jitters without you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my friend (Not only that, but you are one hottie in rl, too! ~can I say that here?~)

Oh... and.... uhhhhmmmm.... sorry I started dropping anvils on everyone's head at the end. I was very heady with the power of the rez (thank you Kora!) and lost a little control of myself. How often does one get that opportunity at Ireem!
But please, don't blame me, it was Anne who gave me the anvils right before the nuptials!

Bikku the Tamed Knight

December 3, 2008 at 8:05 AM  

Thank you all who came and joined us especially Anne our Mistress of magical blessings and both Paw and Selena for standing with us. Of course most importantly for me my darling Bik(ku) who planned and put the whole ceremony together while I was off at RL.

December 3, 2008 at 1:10 PM  

I loved the Anvils! It was a great end to the ceremony, although I left with a heavy weight on my shoulders.

December 3, 2008 at 4:54 PM  

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