Letter from Kerri

To the Precious People of Ireem,

Salaam to you I hope to find you in good health today.

I wasn't going to respond to any of this but goodness you guys, why is this something to fight about?

First of all, I am not a ninja! I would probably cut myself with a big blade like that and I have no combat training! *giggles*

Secondly, I 'do' have my only weapon, it is a syringe filled with things you hopefully shall never need to experience or know of, but know that it will stop an assailant and render them very uncomfortable for days. I began to carry it after I was captured and because of the assassin guy. Also, I try not to burden anyone anymore if I am being attacked I try to just handle it myself. However, I couldn't get to my syringe readily at the time, but under our dear Anne's suggestion I will certainly remember to keep it closer.

And Thirdly, come on you guys! let's just play and have fun, isnt that why we are there anyway!? I will continue to heal absolutely anyone and everyone who ever needs me no matter the risk to my 'life', who they are, what they have or haven't done or where they are!

I seek to save life and preserve it and offer compassion to any and all who are in need at all costs. I will first do no harm unless under severe diress of death or threat to the Sultana. This is and has always been my simple rp.

I am grateful for all those in all groups throughout the realm who offer me their protection as gratitude for their medical care when they cannot pay me monitarily or that they offer to me freely and also for the welcome I am offered to their camps to take care of them and their peoples within.

I will always risk stepping foot out of the palace every day to save and care for each and every and any one of you. I rp to the best of my ability and stay true to my character and her personality and personal beliefs. Many things can be handled through rp just fine, and I am one of many who does enjoy richly detailed rp. Please respect my rp nature and basic beliefs and customs of typical conduct as I will continue respect and enjoy interacting with yours.

I care for all of you more than you probably realize, and I cannot bear to see such fighting. Please, please stop fighting and now lets just have some rp fun!

Wishes of good health and hugs,



((Kerri -- my letter was all RP... OOC, I say, of course you play your character the way you want... honestly, my letter was not an OOC anything at all. It was in character, and fitting with my character, as she is a bit bossy, cold, and.. well.. Machiavellian. That's the character.. She'll write letters like this. It's the role, that's all. Anneliese told Am if he let Inti go without hurting her, she'd write a letter and try to get the heat off him... I thought the paper is supposed to be all RP? ))

December 6, 2008 at 4:47 AM  

Kerrina has always always always gone on daily rounds in Ireem carrying medical attention and food to those in need. Every day that I have known her, she takes the time to wander from encampment to encampment to tend to the health of the entire kingdom.

I cannot believe that she has not earned some modicum of respect during the time that she has served as Ireem's healer. Surely anyone who would attack her for entering a camp must be ignorant of past roleplay and the non-violent welcome she has received in the past.

December 6, 2008 at 11:12 AM  

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