Dear People of Ireem,
The Undead Family would like to take a moment to address you all…
To the Bedu’s
The Undead have captured your leader… be concerned…. be very concerned… The Undead Family have learned of your alliance with the Slavers to hunt the undead family and we are not amused…. Although we did find it highly entertaining that the people you choose to enter into a *coughs* secret alliance with would steal your Leaders slaves…. Well, what did you expect? Do not attempt to negotiate the release of your Leader, we don’t want your sheep and have no need for your camels (besides, you might miss them on cold nights). If you want your leader released (mostly) unharmed, we suggest you show the true spirit of the Bedu and start to rid the land of infidels….ok, as we need to spell this out for you, that means Knights and Slavers. Undead are not infidels, we are more like exotic natives… are you feeling the love yet?....Perhaps if you capture and sell enough Knights and Slavers we will see fit to release your leader…..well, whatever is left of him….
To the Slaver’s
Your ability to keep secrets is amazing, since most of our inside information came from slavers…. No, we will not tell you which ones, you have to figure that out on your own but we would like to take a moment to thank Jaril. As for you Chris Wilder, do not think we forget about you…..enjoy your freedom while you have it cause it won’t last long. Next time you are caught (and you will be caught), you will not be traded so easily… we have other plans for you, all completely just, if far too horrible mention here in detail, suffice to say there may or may not be some livestock involved…. Oh yeah, we are watching your slaves too!
To the Knight’s
We hold all of you responsible for the death of our former leader. Yes, we know it was only Seraf that killed him, and we don’t care. You all will pay, or rather you all will be caught and sold to generate more dinars to help with the funds needed for the post mortem therapy.
To the Djinn
In as much as we never see any of you, we were not actively planning to hunt you at this time….. but one of your kind attacked and killed one of our Sisters… if we see any of you in the sands, we will attack….payback….
To the Magi
Stop wasting your time with this nonsense of trying to turn undeads into the living…. We don’t want to be living…(maybe your former leaders defection from the living world taught you something?) why not start making potions that are useful…. Why not develop a cure for the blight known as humanity?... oh yeah, all of Ireem knows of your alliance with knights and we all know you got the short end of that stick… When was the last time a knight helped a Magi?....well… remember, the friend of our enemy is our enemy, so stay in your tower or be prepared to be fought and sold….
To the Dungeoneer’s
We noticed most, if not all of you, seem to like attacking Undeads, so now we will return the favor… yes, we understand that there is a very high chance your auctions will not really net us much profit, but we don’t care …. if we find you, we will capture and sell you too…. Bottom line is the catacombs are very crowded…. we need more space… and we want yours…..
To the Citizen’s
Right now we are not aware of any transgressions you have made against us, but we know there must be some…. so based on that, yeah, we are gonna hunt, capture and sell you too!
Your Undead Family
(Letter received from Silver Sodertelge)
Anonymous said...
funny ... the guards rarely attack undead without reason.. at least I can speak for rana, polo, dalilah, and drako on that. but I am sure the undead like to think of any excuse to stir up drama, they rock at that. so now we will be collecting undeads if this is a threat. have fun with that. *SMILES*
January 29, 2009 at 9:15 AM
Anonymous said...
Wants to thank the Undead family with a big smile - with all the attention all the other predators and Knights and even the citizens are getting ... the prey will be able to roam the desert more freely, who'd have thought the Undead would be keeping everyone else busy so us prey can run wild and free.. thanks again!!
January 29, 2009 at 11:33 AM
Anonymous said...
*smirks* .... who is to say the cattle... um... er... ahem.. prey... yeah prey...were neglected.... enjoy your false sense of security.... muwahahah
January 29, 2009 at 11:54 AM
About me said...
As one of the bedus...
Keep our leader... Never.. and I NEVER will we give in to a request of undead. Our leader knew of the risks. So do all of the bedus... Instead of paying for his release, we will simply capture more and more of your kind in return... That is... if you won't run away... screaming for help
January 29, 2009 at 11:56 AM
Anonymous said...
One word...
CW - Leader of the slavers
January 29, 2009 at 2:54 PM
Anonymous said...
it would be unwise to be at war with the djinn silver
although one of us may have attacked your sister do not think for a moment that all djinn have the same motivation....
djinn are not a "family" like bedu or slavers we are all individuals....
do not judge us by mortal standards
January 29, 2009 at 4:46 PM
Alices Sands said...
so,basicly,the undead are atticking all but the prey,can't say I am sad about that.
January 31, 2009 at 2:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Wow. I am so glad that Silver would put every undead's head on a chopping block. How nice of him.
(Imitates Silver)
"Hey Lookit me! I'm Silver and I want to be at war with EVERYONE AT ONCE! I know politeks!"
January 31, 2009 at 12:31 PM