Last time you were up against a well-known criminal and rapist. But
this time you are up against a very popular honorable and popular
Bedouin. Do you think you can win?
Antar ben Kouraish:
is what you said true honor is what mak eus deferent then other groups a
s my self condaucted my leader withhonor i insisted oh that and hat
made few unhappy about my harsh aproach on criminals
How did you think you do as a leader of Bedouins?
Antar ben Kouraish:
i think i am doing good job as leader now don't you think
What is your thought that both your former co-leader, Ehson and then Eve, turned out to be a traitor and abandon the Bedouins?
Antar ben Kouraish:
well love make us do certain thing that we don't normaly ehson has his
reason he was instraucted to go by certain ppl but eve she fallowed her
What made you accept the well-known Bedouin hater Shaka into your tent?
Antar ben Kouraish:
knwo your self you can't control ppl emotion even though eve left to
fallow her heart withthe pirate we have helped her a sshe did help bring
the feud with the slaver to a peacefull time with us we ar ehelpinhg
eachother now if you call that traitor i cal it politic made us stringer
with new alliance
about shaka eve wanted to show that he can
change an dbe respectable she brought him to our camp i accepted him for
he was tehlov eof her life and who Am i to stand inteh face of true
love he condacted him self not wel with us even though he wa smy biggest
What would you do to Eve and Shaka now that they have betrayed all the Bedouins?
Antar ben Kouraish:
look a si said its human emotion in fack they brought the two long time enemies to a friendship i cal that good tactic
Would you lead the Bedouins to the warpath or a path of peace?
Antar ben Kouraish:
always as for peace all our wars taht happen it was a self defence we
never initiate awar on any one i my self wnat our trib eto grow to unite
witch its for now we ar egroing in numbers making a deference our camp
is a place wher eall ppl love to visit eat dance and meet ask
Do you have any support from the Bedouin Clan Leaders this time?
Antar ben Kouraish:
i have the support of most a si know lots of bedouin wish9ingm egoo dluck an dsaying they wil be on my team
Do you think you will be a better leader than Velvet?
Antar ben Kouraish:
its not that i am better or she s velevt is a good person very loved sister of mine
an ddefined better by the way
For the voters to choose their leader, there will be comparison.
Antar ben Kouraish:
il tell you about me during my leadership i was alone single man by my
own decission i wanted to dedicate my tim eto me family i was swomped
with work tryningto defend tohelp to do what ever i can to keep us
united what mak ea person strong leader is he dedication to his ppl and
my bedouin ppl was all what i wanted nothing else
i wa shumiliated
spet on chassed al fo rteh sake ofmy family an di didn't fold i stood
tal an dtook al on teh chest not on teh chin
Thank you Antar,
for answering some very candid questions, to conclude this interview,
would you like to sum up your campaign with a last message?
Antar ben Kouraish:
my massege
tel teh bedouin if you wnat a leader who stand by you who wil never
leav eyou who wil be her efor you any time in teh good and teh bad time
an dbe strong to protect you and to mak eyou feel safe and some one you
can depend on just tick yes next to my namew
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