The Second installment of Dr Lurvless. Let's see what our doctor has to say this time... ...
The golden locks of her hair shined brilliantly against the gaze of Zin Ra, dancing to the tune of the wind along with her silken garb. Her brows matching her hair in color arched at a determined angle with determined purpose. Her fair skin wrapping itself taught against her small, but toned frame. Turning her head to look behind her as her small bare feet carried her through the streets of Ireem when as she turned forward again her eyes carried with them a glint fear. Even as the mid-day Sun bore down on the Kingdom of Sands, a time where most would find shade and keep cool the 'game' of chase still carried on.
Not long after I witnessed the chase there was a big commotion down the street corner. I assumed it was about the chase and went to take a look for myself, as such a thing shouldn't warrant so much attention. Slaver trade might be a detestable occupation, but nothing against the city laws, and oddly enough there aren't even laws protecting it's own citizens from random acts of violence for the purpose. However that is not part of this story. What transpired below was a commonplace now among these games of chase as I have observed through the years. After a 'prey' has been captured she is suddenly surrounded by her close friends, all of whom express their willingness to put down their life for her safety against the hunter, that is, unless she likes him and wants to be his captive. That's right folks, you didn't misread anything, slavery is now only by choice of the captive.
I find myself laughing at the idiocy of the whole thing, the people somehow tnow hink of slavery as some sort of game to be played with loved and desired people only. As if it's some part of a weird courtship rather than a trade and means to live by, the would-be slaves earning more power than their captives. These slaves would often complain that none of these men are capable enough to 'handle' them. Often I find them by themselves running their foul mouth against another, often threatening him with his life only to be chased and captured later. However that does not stop them, as if they place no value on their lives they continue to mock the man until collar is on their necks. Then they yell and scream for their friends. That is if they have not somehow telepathically communicated their distress already.
They dress like derelict whores, roaming the streets at all hours of the city looking for entertainment. Claiming they are not here for cock nor the thing that bears it, but they dress in revealing outfits claiming they want to look beautiful and enticing. I often wonder if they are delusional, risking their silken skins to the burn of the sun, their sensitive areas at the encroaching sands to look good. And for whom I ask, men who are interested in that would use them and leave them before the night is over, surely they are not looking for their prince in the darkest alley way after midnight either. No, they dress themselves like so to garner more attention from the next one over and so on and so forth. But they also garner it from those whom they do not wish, though that thought seems to not have crossed many of their minds.
Perhaps these women should dress for the things they want to appeal to rather than trying to one up each other. If that thing they want to be happens to be a slut then they shouldn't expect much more from the thing that would chase them, and should have no room to complain when captured. Because this isn't a fairy tale and Prince Charming is long dead, but if he were alive Princess Perfect wouldn't be wearing a collar nor would she show her goods to half the city before he came along.
The Dark Knight says he doesn't want that dirty thing either.
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