Our writer Pasha had brought you another installment of our Citizen of Ireem series. This time we are featuring the new owner of the Blue Parrot, Icy Aura
Icy Aura, the owner of the popular Priate's hangout, The Blue Parrot, recently celebrated, or shall we say survived, one year in the city of Ireem. In that relatively short time, she has become one of our most treasured citizens. However, the road as not been an easy one for Icy.
As Icy tells it, "When I first came to Ireem I didn't have any memory. I had been shipwrecked and floated on wreckage for awhile." As you can imagine, she was elated when she finally drifted toward land. However, confused and suffering from amnesia from her trauma, she appeared very shy and some thought somewhat cold, thus she was given the name of Icy.
Icy found kindness in several citizens of Ireem, many who have moved on but she acknowledges Velvet as being like a sister to her.
Initially, Icy fell to some additional misfortune when she was captured by pirates and had to see the dark side of Ireem as a slave. Later and to some regret, she conceded to join with the pirates but was known as the "kinder" pirate who was eventually elevated to the position of Captain of the DarkBlades.
Sadly, Icy suffered tradgedy when her husband was recently lost at sea in a terrible storm and presumed dead. As a result of her grief, she had to give up leadership of the DarkBlades and negotiated the merge of the 'Blades' with the AngryBrids clan of the Pirate known as Shaka.
For now, Icy has thrown herself into running the Blue Parrot and planning special events for her patrons. Her most recent event was the well received Auction where everyone had a great time. Her next event is a Halloween Costume Party on October 29th where prizes will be awarded to the Scariest/Strangest and Silliest/Funny Costumes. In Icy's words "I am proud and happy to be running the Blue Parrot. I have met many citizens of the city and look forward to providing fun and entertainment for those who visit us there."
Some may not realize it, but Icy is also an artist who paints the most beautiful images of Ireem's citizens. Don't hesitate to look her up for that service as well.
When pondering the possible improvemnts to the environment of Ireem, she says, "... well, the sandstorms are annoying but not much can be done about that. It would be nice if there were more dwellings built to accommodate the many new arrivals in Ireem as well as new businesses to service them."
In closing this lovely lady smiles broadly and says enthusastically, "I hope to see more citizens over at the Blue Parrot. We have beautifuil dancers and the best food and drink in Irem!"
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