To all good pirates!

Over the past three years I have bled for my kind. I have seen us go from a strong tight knit group that fights together, captures together, and drinks together to the state we're in now. The family days are dead. We are so spread across the board from piss poor leadership and weak noob fighters that it's time to cut out the fat and unite. I say "Fuck the clans!" I'm tired of no one getting the protection and respect that we deserve. The Djinn are the strongest race with one of the smallest turn outs of people in their group. The reason for this is that Indigo leads with an iron fist. They have one clan, the misfits, and everyone is on board. Don't vote for me if you want the same state we're in. I will demand unity in the harshest way...

Yours truly,

Nento Rae.


I support Nento! The Fruitys don't pirate because they can, they pirate because they ARRRRR!

October 20, 2011 at 8:20 PM  

I'd kiss his muscles any day.

October 21, 2011 at 3:55 AM  

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