Two days ago my Master and me witnessed an arguement between the couple Shevaunn Clarity and Mache Asamoah including undead Grizel Halberstadt, who is Shev's sister. First I did not intend to write about what we heard as it is very private. But thinking about it and bringing together all the pieces of the puzzle, I now have no other chance but to inform the people of Ireem about the upcoming danger !

What had happened ? Going to find a secret corner at the arena for making out a bit, we just arrived at the perfect moment hearing Shev yelling at her husband and Grizel "What's going on here ??" Of course we stopped right away and motioned each other to be very quiet. We overheard the following conversation and were shocked. While Shev angrily yelled at her husband, Grizel started to cry and mumbled "Shev I'm sorry... I might have just brought down this whole world ".
We wondered what she was talking about and so did Shev obviously. The only one who did not seem to be surprised was Mache, he grabbed Grizel pulling her aside and whispered growling at her "You put a spell on me and had your fun ! So please keep it away from my wife !" Grizel shook her head and answered him still crying "It's too got me pregnant the other day. Indigo found it out ! This ...THING inside me's not human ! She was even afraid staying close next to me !"
Mache quickly tried to cover her mouth but Grizel was able to mumble " It's the child prophecied by the angel, the one that will bring down the city, Indi told me!" Mache's chin dropped down and Shev yelled even louder "Mache??? I knew you can't resist kissing her, and now you have her pregnant?" A long argue about who did what and when started, which here is of no interest for the public.

You will ask yourself now, why is this "gossip" a danger for Ireem ? Isn't it only an overreaction of two people, who were caught red-handed, just talking about spells and dark prophecies to defend their cheating ? And I sadly have to answer: No! It is not ! This prophecy really exists as the Chronicles wrote about in an earlier issue:

Is this the dark child, the angel was warning us about ? What does that mean for Grizel, Shev and Mache...what does that mean for the people of Ireem ? I am sure now you understand, why I had to act against my distrete nature not to gossip, and I hereby apologize to Shev, Grizel and Mache for revealing all this, but believe me, this was really neccessary as this could mean the end of our beloved kingdom !


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