It seems a mysterious ship as crashed along the shore. The passengers mysteriously died of something. Wreckage it's self reaked of rotting flesh! Only live things seen "escape" were a nasty little hoard of rats. Yes, that is right Ireem! This is another plague warning!
Please look out for the following plague symptoms:
- A nasty cough with bright green mucus.
- The urge to cough on others.
- Urge to run around nude.
- Fierce muscle cramps.
- Increased hunger for wine, drugs... and sex
- Gangrene... just watch your toes, fingers, lips and tip of the nose... they could rot and fall off, hopefully not while having sex.
- Sudden cold sensations throughout your body.
- General ill feeling, like you toss two days worth of food.
- And lastly.... well you might drop to the ground and start to spazz!
- And lastly death.
Do your part Ireem! Seek out a friendly Alchemist for a reasonably priced It will last you 30 days once taken. I will personal do my part by offering antidote for 5g... heh, if you can find me and if my supplies hold out.
Written by Sayuri.... who also adds: for the love of cheese stop calling her Liang!
ELECTION: Candidate statement from Dianna Davies (Dez Al Sharifa) for Blue Lagoon Cafe
0 comments Posted by Kito Tachibana at 2:54 AMHi Citizens!
Want to have someone new in the game? Think it might be fun to have some new blood running a business here? Someone who likes to shake things up a bit?
If so..then VOTE for me , Dianna Davies (aka Dez Al Sharifa) for the owner of the Blue Lagoon Cafe.
I'd love to be able to run the cafe, get some events going to get some more traffic on both KOS and KOS2. Would be great seeing folks wandering around over by the cafe enjoying the entertainment and getting to know each other a little better.
My slave boy will be serving and he does have just the cutest butt *laughing*.
Thanks for your support!
A stranger in town
Some of you may have noticed a stranger character hobbling around the town, dressed in black and frequently stopping for a rest. A wizened old man, stooped over his walking stick he seems quite polite and friendly. But who is he?
His name is Philodemus and he has only recently arrived. He is very old and seems at death's door, indeed, he has been heard to say that Ireem will be his final home. He is a Magi but professes little interest in the fighting and politics of town and palace. When watching the bickering and fighting he sighs and sadly turns away . . . .
He becomes more animated if you ask him about the deeper mysteries of life. His eyes will gleam and he sounds almost youthful in his speech and he will happily speak, if he deems the listener ready, of what he has learned over a very very long life. Because he is grateful to be in Ireem for his final days, he has created a Meditation room that all can visit. It is a pleasant place for just sitting quietly, or, for practicing Meditation and can be found near the Lawyers Office. There are helpful notes on the walls.
But who is he, where is he from? He does not talk much but it seems he was originally a Ceasarian who nearly died when a nearby volcano killed all his family. He was nursed back to health by a passing Shaman and then followed her, learning her craft. He traveled many years in the desert with the Bedu and seems comfortable talking to any folk but does not like to see others being cruel or contemptuous.
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Once again, I had managed to fall asleep in the Chronicles office. But instead of lurking the office, I decided to take a walk. My random travel through the city soon took me to one of my favourite spots. Nothing special, just the small balcony over the city gates. I was then approached by the dark knight Eve (or was it Blair now? Not sure, since she keeps changing her name to aviod being arrest), and given a small bit of rum to give to the editor, specifically suggesting him to drink it. She also handed me a scroll containing information of a strange virus.
"A new enemy has risen in the lands of Samhara,
a creation of pale skinned Dark Knight hands,
one who cant be fought with blades,
one who cant be seen or heard,
one so small, yet strong enough to kill the mightiest fighter
sneaky as an assassin, faster than the best horse
flowing with the wind over the sands to conquer them
beware citizens and creatures, you'll be next.
Once the seed is planted in one's body it will spread, contagious filling Ireem and the sands with madness and pain.
The symptoms vary, most seen is fury and rage to attack anything in sight, lose of eyesight, red and black dots on the skin and feeling of coldness.
The antidote is to most people unknown, though randoms occur the dark knight have it in their possession."
I viewed this act with slight suspicion. After all, Dark Knights have been upset with the merfolk sinse the alliance fell. Then there were the random attacks on the merfok... and the list of reasons why this all seemed fishy grows from there. Yet, I decided to take the bottle back to the office. Perhaps Kito could hire a magi to test?
As I turned away from the bottom for a moment, the quiet peace of the office was broken by back the sound of shattering glass! I quickly looked and it seemed one of the office cats had knocked over the bottle or rum! But, before I could wipe up the mess... one of those freakishly large guard rats jumped out from the donation till. The little hungry creature quickly licked the floor clean!
"Oh no! Kito's going to be upset with me! I know how much he enjoys a good rum" I muttered.
That is when I noticed something odd. The rat started to display a few odd symptoms. First, it was floating in the air like a piece of fish.... not the first rat like creature that perform this trick in the city, of course. It then suddenly attacked the leg of the chair with it's claws! I avoided its odd rage by moving toward the nearby bookshelf with the office cats! The rat's brown fur began to fall off in chunks, and skin turned an odd sickly pale shade. Just then, some idiot tried to steal from the till. Before I could warn the thief, the engaged rat suddenly hovered in the air, let out a loud cat like hiss before biting the thief's neck!
The thief fled, but the rat stayed behind. I finally remembered the dagger I had on my person... jumped down from the case. I took aim at the creatures belly... cutting it open.
"Oh gods! That thief is now a carrier! Heh... I will need to take this rat to the alchemist to have an antidote made. But.... will it be in time to save the city?!"
Looks like there is a nasty bug running around Ireem. Might be best to avoid all thieves or any strange people who try to give you free rum!
~ written by Sayuri (Edited by the annoyed Editor who have to clean up the broken glasses on the floor)
The day found me... doing what I do best, napping on the the office over one of Kito's books. I suddenly awoke to the sound of these words shouted across the city "Anyone with the palace will die!" Greatly confused I soon rushed out of the office... to the sound of more shouting!
"... I will... put the captives in a barrel of acid sending them to the 2nd death without enough of anything to bring them back so you need to stop this attack. Return the prisoners or you know I will do it ... Return also Ironhides body" called the voice of the irate princess.
" How about we just feast from your flesh instead and make the sultana['s blood?] our bath water" called the voice of someone I did not recognize. There were mentions of certain people being held for ransom. Yet much of what was said only made me feel more confussed. Was this something between the palace and the Undead? Or was it Merfolk again the palace? Could there be more groups or races involved?
It soon turned into a shouting match between Gavi and Page.
"you make no sense you who sit in judgement over me who has never raised her weapon against a Mer but has sought out to protect the mer you young one who knows little of what has happened in the Mers own past here"
"...Page, you know little of the real mer past, you are too clouded by this past leader Sun, who lead the mer's completely wrong treating them as victims...we will be strong! Sun is a false leader Iani and myself are the true mer leads!"
Once the shouting died down, I headed to the mer temple to see if I could find the truth about what started this madness. It turns out it all started when a gift from the mer people... a comb, was burned. Taking this as an insult, the mer-folk turned to their true allies...
"Chan and I were accepted into the palace for a good will meeting, I brought her a gift, a mermaid comb made of gold and blessed by Lalita. Then the sultana and princess page attacked us verbally, insulting our choice of allies and asking why we wouldn't throw in with the palace." explains Gavriella.
"I found our true allies... together with the Dark Knights, Djinn and some Bedu we stormed the palace taking a knight, Ponzio and a pirate woman captive as they cowered in the palace like the cowards they are! ...The palace has paid us great insult! That is what happened, our allies rose up against them to defend our honor...and i'm sure there were some other motives in there!" said the current co mer leader, Gavriella.
It seems the city will be plunged into another war. Yet, mention of a past mer, who was never an official mer leader ones prove how out of touch the palace is with the current mer clans. As a former palace lady I don't have much to say in way of the palace's defense. Yet, I was truly saddened by some of Princess Page's comments shouted oh so carelessly through Ireem.
- reported by Sayuri
KOS Lawyer Office Event
Hey All..... We have a wonderful opporunity for you to get that well needed cash to help a friend or loved one or just to get something from an auction.... At the Ireem Law Office we are having an exciting event that could be worth G$ 1500.... I know we could all use a lil extra and all this will take is a short amount of your time but it would be a great opporunity to show all of Ireem what your RP is about....
Here are the requirements:
1. Has to be a written RP trial with only aliases
2. Must make sense and trial start to finish
3. Send notecard to Rya Asalia titled Law Office Trial Event Oct. 22 (if not titled this it will not be accepted, if you need help on how to rename your nc please im Rya)
4. Event starts immediately Friday Sept. 28, 2012 and will continue to Oct.22, 2012. All notecards will be due no later then 11:59pm of Oct. 22, 2012
5. Be sure to include your name so we know who to reward
6. Have fun!!!
Here is the best part the rewards:
1st place: G$ 1000
2nd place: G$ 500
3rd place: G$ 100
All of the winners will be at the discretion and final decision of the owner and co-owner of the Law Office. The stories will be shared in order to decide on the best ones.
If there are any questions please feel free to contact Rya Asalia....
Please do have fun with this!
The Time has come to vote for new owners in Ireems Businesses.
The Blacksmiths is an important part of life in Ireem , we all know the amount of battles , chases and fights that go on here each day ..The people in Ireem deserve the Best Quality shields for their protection.
The Treasure Hammer also important in our everyday life to help give us extra supplies to use and trade with. I will only use the best iron for these Hammers used to smash the treasure jars throughout the city we all know how strong these jars are and only the strongest Iron will smash them allowing us all to collect the rewards hidden in them.
I promise as the new owner to continue with the High quality you have all come to expect .. Joris hudson ran the smithy before and as a fellow palace member and good friend he has divulged to me the source of the high quality steel and metal he used ..So by voting me to be owner you will get the same heavy duty shields you have all been used to .. Only the palace has the means and funds to transport these metal from the mines to Ireem, would you want anything but the best none of you deserve to settle for any thing less.
So vote for Kaya Blinker to run the Blacksmiths, to keep you all shielded from your enemies.
The passing of another.....
A keening wail can be heard echoing through the dunes and walls of ireem, a mournful, broken sound that is subtle yet strong...reaching even the hardest of hearts. As the cry of abject pain fails, a soft, rolling dirge takes its place, sung in a language long forgotten but almost understood as the tone conveys it's meaning...the Queen has passed into shadow and a lone Fae sings her mournful praise in the lonely sands, using the winds to carry it to all corners of the kindgom.
Her form is pale and slight, almost wasting away, her normal composure shattered into a thousand pieces...even more odd are her garments, clothed from head to toe in the black of mourning as she makes her way to the realm for the final time. As she slips through the portal, she whispers good byes to the wind to carry to the friends and loved ones she will leave behind...with the Queen sleeping so deeply, she is released....freed from her service of so many years.
Once in the realm, she scrawls a quick note for the young djinn, full of affection and well as instructions on how to reach her should the need be dire. This world is theirs now, though she may return in the future when Ireem has had a chance to mature past it's infancy. She surveys her home for one final time, before her form fades into the mists of the djinn world. The magic that had kept her here faded with the conciousness of the Queen and now she returns to her homelands to wander the forests in the shadows of the trees that will echo her mourning for years to come.
Safe Paths & Fair Winds, Nova Caerndow, Fae Elder, Djinn General, Healer
KOS djinn the queen is dead long live the queen
The djinn queen lays comatose, stuck in the world of dreams she will not wake. She been in this state for several days, nigh a week. Healers have attended to her body attempted to diagnose what's wrong with her . But alas, they have failed.
What started as a burn mark on her left hand has spread her hand becoming like the crystal she touched her fingers lay curled as they transform into the stone like substance. Her face has been wiped clean it would seem that the ghoul known for her addictive nature had experimented with the crystals by crushing them into a fine powder and snorting it, sending her into some kind of overdose when by freak accident she touched the stones to defend herself.
She has rare fits of lucidity where she's been known to mutter, "Hello darkness…" and other phrases perhaps the rantings of one long past sanity or perhaps a message so cryptic few will ever understand it.... Those who have known her may end up humming some strange tune.. or loosing there ability to talk at all, for the djinn queen may never wake again. Her dreams will fade into nothing and silence will reign once more.
Some have visited her in her slumber, the lucky few have taken fragments of her song, a keepsake or a bone from her necklace. One for each element, perhaps one day her spirit can be recalled to this place by those trained in magic or committed to her return, though its more likely theses treasures will be lost to time and become mere legends.
What will become of the djinn its hard to say i doubt there will ever be a Queen like Indigo. Her crown is broken. The scattered remains of her people the once mighty djinn will remain the keepers of balance, the guardians of the fire of zin. Their Queen forever trapped in the dream world lost to her people lost to the world.
Mourn , celebrate or dream. The choice has always been yours.
I was going to spend another "exciting" evening in the Chronicle's office... when I lovely announcement reached my desk. It was by Leah... the current Dolphin Bath owner.
"Come and join me for a steamy afternoon in the Dolphin baths..."
The water will be warm and inviting, there will be gorgeous merfolk to attend to you and even a prize for the steamiest bath outfit!"
I couldn't ignore the chance for a nice steamy bath... or the chance to hopefully see a few nice forms! Once there my eyes were greeted by a wonderful sight, Leah and a few other beautiful mer ladies, and a handsome merman.
Pretty soon the event kicked off... were were even joined by a rather nicely dressed legger! One thing came to mind... were were the other land dwellers? I couldn't help but wonder if the steam scared most away. Surely a large group of nude merfolk couldn't be considered as scary as the original terrors of the sands.... the Undead... right? Or many the sight of nude shiny scales kept most shy leggers away...
Oh well! We still managed to have a good time any way! The brave land dweller, Andalinae even won some nice coin for her lovely gown!
Lets hope there will be more lovely baths events in the future, and that the leggers won't be so shy about... well getting nude.
~ Story and images by Sayuri
The royal messengers announced an invitation to everyone who seek an audience with our Sultana Zanlu Heron, Sun of Ireem, and that five would be allowed the opportunity to speak with her majesty. The throne room was soon packed with an audience of all kinds, among whom present were a few noted leaders of our Kingdom.
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Standing tall in respectful demeanor, clad in decorous coat of luxurious velvet was the Magi Leader, Azriel |
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Mer Leader, Ianira, beautiful and ever graceful with an aura of strength and ineffable magnetism, truly celestial |
Prince Rexie and Lord Cow were overheard whispering to stay alert and keep Sultana safe as there were many Dark Knights present, and wise move indeed for we all know their nature to be unpredictable. The return of Princess Lillie brought a warm smile to our Sultana's beautiful visage as they embrace for a moment. The royal family and trusted servants were ordered to remain close by the throne as the crowd settles in, while a talented flutist, petite Bedouin lady by the name of Melasina, was favoured by our Sultana to entertain with her music. The General Audience began with our Sultana inviting five people to freely express themselves with her succinct royal statement "Freedom and respect are the basis of my Kingdom."
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Our Sultana |
The second name called was Sir Azriel, the Magi Leader, who stepped forward and with proper decorum, bow to Sultana and knelt before her as he made a request, "..I would ask the Sultana to take into consideration. Many of the Magi seek to serve the palace and strengthen our relations. I would ask that the royal family seek us out for our services and never be hesitant in doing so." Sultana was delighted to hear this, citing there are some problems that only a great magi can solve.
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Azriel |
While Sultana continued to chat with Sir Azriel with interest, a voice was heard reprimanding a couple of women, including a female Dark Knight, that they were too scantily dressed for this occasion. He made his way to the front, smoking up the room with the tobacco roll between his lips as he speaks.
The smoker, Sir Andrea, pleaded with relentless enthusiasm to speak with Sultana, almost like he would throw a tantrum if not accorded some attention. It must mean a lot to him to get to talk with Sultana, and hence he was the third. Upon hearing his plea for a family, that he was lonely and cannot live not belonging to a family, one cannot help but feel sorry for the pirate slaver. Perhaps his ship sunk and he was the lone survivor..we do not know, but it is very touching to see that he placed utmost importance on family. Our dearest Sultana was taken aback when he suggested to be by her side. Others laughed but the Dark Knight Strazio was glaring at the competition. Her grace very tactfully requested that he send in his background for proper consideration.
There were a few others insignificant characters who asked for random things like more meat in the butcher and more sexual partners for them. Of course, our Sultana treated all those strange requests with good humour, as she would do to poor senseless animals. It's so nice and grand to have a ruler who love instead of hate!
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We took a little break before the surprise events and mingled. Princess Page, now a mother of twins, was positively glowing and looking gorgeous. Smiling ear to ear as she stood by her husband Prince Rexie. The crowd was soon getting restless, becoming a little loud and raucous. Perhaps it's the excitment of seeing our Sultana, or unease by the sight of random floaty creatures. Regardless, it was time for the surprise!
Sultana asked Lord Cow to kneel before her! “Lord with great pleasure that I nominate you Prince of Ireem .." The surprise on the face of the newly crowned Prince Cow was priceless.
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Cow |
Sultana went on to relate she watched this Prince's growth in the Kingdom and was glad he made his way back to the service of the Palace. He traveled the world and his business grew and made him a rich man, and returned to Sultana with gifts and knowledge to share. Sultana then named him Lord of Court, and expressed that his advice and friendship was very much appreciated. "From today you're a Prince .. Prince of Ireem! "
By this time most of the Dark Knights had left the throne room, and some were heard grumbling about not getting a surprise gift..others said "bored..let's go hunt!..". Guess they were not happy that the Palace didn't give them more toys to throw out of their pram.... or more prams for that matter. Our beautiful Sultana beaming with joy then announced yet another surprise!
During her visit to her distant family, Sultana learn of a secret in the family from her dying old aunt. She was told in her childhood, her oldest cousin gave birth to a girl but the labours of childbirth took her life. At two months old, the baby girl was abducted from her crib and a letter warned to never search for Serena, the baby, or it will be the end of their dynasty. Attached to the letter were the cut ear of a child and two little fingers..This whole incident was kept secret for fear of Serena's life and also their dynasty's survival. Serena should be 19 year old now and there were birthmarks on her hand and another on her shoulder that is a star-shaped. It was last reported that the girl was in Ireem. And there, the old aunt took her last breath.
Back in Ireem with the secret of her niece who could be alive, Sultana was greeted by her lovely servant Seren. The welcoming sight struck a chord and the girl with similar name and age had a small mark on her left hand! And on her back was the star-shaped birthmark! Seren's past was the same as what the old aunt related. Tears of joy streaming, the Sultana placed the diamant crown on Royal Princess Seren.
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Princess Seren possessed a most adorable visage of pure innocence. No doubt a royalty, such beauty and poise |
Everyone present applaud and congratulate the newly crowned Prince Cow and Princess Seren. Prince Rexie and Princess Page then add to the happy occasion introducing their babies born a few days ago, a pair of twins named Prince Aram and Princess Ara of Ireem. And that marked the end of this wonderful Audience with Sultana
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Princess Page and babies |
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A Royal Tea |
Voyage of the Blooded Peregrine
As recounted in the journals of
Corum of Shadows
In the Third Year of the rule of Queen Aijaredjian, Twelve thousand,
two hundred and thirty-one (12,231) Great Ships of Good and Righteous
Conquest sailed from the Sword Isles of Arque’s Cold Sea. Our purpose
was just and grand- to rid the world of Evil and Inequity, bring back to
the Isles gold, jewels and slaves thereby restoring the natural balance
with the Sword Isles at its fulcrum. I- then but a boy of scant
seventeen years but eager to prove myself a man, escape the dullness of a
twice-daily hog slop and prove myself worth to be a Champion of Good
and Righteous Conquest- signed aboard the Blooded Peregrine under
Captain Dorian Finn. Finn’s boson Old Tanglebones Verne begged against
my signing, but the noble Captain had uses for a lad who could read and
write even if only in our native tongue.
After four
years of minor conquests, major setbacks and sailing a storm-cursed
sea, Eleven thousand, nine hundred and seventy-six ships of the
Girl-Queen Aijaredjian’s fleet arrived at the shores of our ultimate
destination. I was not impressed. I had heard wonders of
N’Brai-Al-Ctonrja and expected walls of the strongest gray granite, bars
and spikes of the strongest iron, and towers rising to reach the
heavens- all decorated with silver and gold, shining and sparkling in
the sun.
The first day we landed thick mist
shrouded the reefs, beaches, and mouths of the rivers. The second day
was warmer. The mist lighter and it danced and frolicked against a
lively breeze. Sun could be felt on the skin and seen if you cared for
re-assurance. But looking inland, all I saw was green grass, rolling
hills, thick forests of ancient trees grown so high climbing to their
tops might take you into the clouds. All these sad years later, I laugh
at the contempt my younger self held for the place and cry at my loss of
the place, the people and the peace I found there.
~ Corum of Shadows
ELECTION: Rawnie (Stella Theseus) for Slaves Head Inn
0 comments Posted by Kito Tachibana at 3:35 AM![]() |
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Puppy! |
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New Flame |
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.:: Cooking Class Event::.
Ahoy Ireemians
-our kitchen will start giving cooking classes to keep the old recipes of Lamb stew ,, Fish and Rice ,, camel Steak and of course the wine brewing ,, for the next generations to benefit ,,
(Master your Food skills with some good RP)
The catch,,
-all student should join this classes.. should gather the ingredients from Ireem,, (let say slaughtering the camel at the city gate for a nice portion of Camel steak and veggies) RP the story how you get hold of it too..
-other thing the recipe will be kept to cook it in my Tavern only
(Students will become employers and RP mastering there skill)
-So why don't you cook your heart out adding pinch of the black sea Salt,, sprinkle some Indian cinnamon and white pepper ( Achoo,, Bless me,,) and don't forget touch of herbs..let say Rose Mary!!!
Event .::Cooking Class 1 ::.
Place : Fatted Calf Tavern
( first Class - Camel steak with veggies and rice )
Day: Tuesday 28th of August
Time: 1 pm SLT
Fees : 30 G$ per Class
Every one is welcome to Share there story and recipe ..Tasters too are welcome,,The prices will be reduced at the event day to 1G$
P.S Get your own cauldron ,,
Madame Rose
Fatted Calf Tavern Wench,,,
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Another day in Ireem has come and gone,
much blood shed and pain,
love and lost,
heart ache and pain,
the sands are now silent,
the ocean waves crashing agaisnt the rocks,
wonders where the days of peace and love went
the sun goes down as the moon comes up
the stars begin to twinkle against the black sky
sighs and wonders
what comes next???
By: Rya Asalia
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So, Pushka... why are you running to be the owner of the Mystic Parlor?
-Well because I a mer, and as such one of the few truly magical races in Ireem! -nods her head- Also being as cute I am, I feel that I could make it a much more lively and cute space!!!! - nods her head again matter of factly!-
You are so tiny, won't the cards crush you?!
-Wrinkles her nose and glares at Sayuri- NO! I am a very strong little girl! And I think the cards are still... maybe... a little big shorter than I am!!!
I am sure all of Ireem is dying to know... how did you get so tiny?
-Well it depends if I like you... what I tell you... I tend to tell smelly people that the evil octopus cursed me and I got this small... -nods- But really me and all my 186 siblings are all this small! My parents too! -nods her head- I was just born this way!!!
Do you have any events planed? Let me hear all the lovely details! It has been ages sense anyone who has owned the mystic parlor planned anything.
-Blinks- You want me to do events? -sighs heavily- Can I fill the space with tadpoles? A tadpole party could be fun... or maybe a magical theme night? -nods her head matter of factly- Yup yup theme night it will have to be... and then I can decorate with fish.
Oh tiny mystic Pushi, tell me the future of Ireem if you were to win this amazing honor!
WELL!!! The pirates, bedu, magi, and dark knights shall continue to not be as fantastic as the mer, djinn, and undead... but maybe I shouldn't say that... I do want people to vote for me after all.. I predict that erm well... WHERE ARE THOSE DAMN CARDS???
And one last question... why are the dark knight so afraid of you?
I just don't [know] Sayuri! Maybe its my muscles... I've heard they are scary? Or my teeth? But do you think my mouth or lady teeth are scarier? Personally I wouldn't want to fight either. -nods her head sadly- I can be rather vicious Sayuri!!!
I do believe the Dark Knight's lack the knowledge to know what the word "anonymous" means after trying to file false charges against me. I did not write anything from Whispers on the Wind, since the gossips column existed long before I joined the Ireem Chronicles. One such charge even has a quote taken out of context. When I said, "fifty shades of fail" was referring to love in Ireem in general -- NOT the wedding, of which I was mostly silent for. Who or what inspired my lack luster view... remains hidden on the pages of my private Diary -- of which I am now considering burning! -A moment is taken to burn the pages concerning that person, the ashes are scattered to the seas-.
I must thank anonymous Whispers Team for also writing the daughter comment. Dark Knights should not be upset over that line... sinse it's not true -- right? Do the Dark Knights engage incestuous behavior? I shall look into this at once! Oh wait, I really don't feel like I owe the Dark Knight's anything but my ire! I hope all of Ireem believes that lie.
Yet, the lack of truth did not stop the Dark Knights from threatening me and proving to me... that there is no love in Ireem. "i know it was you.. and you will end up on my leash.. i always pay my debts" replied some creepy floating Dark Knight named Malley. To be honesty, I haven't the slightest idea what she was talking about... good for you darling for always paying your debts! It's never good to owe others money.
And no, this was not the end of their nonsense. A person, of name of which, I do not know -- nor care, said....
"what do you intend to do with the girl when we get her Malley?"
The response "its been ages sinds we had fresh fish.. i plan to make her dinner... as a good host would.."
Whatever "sinds" is, this writer has no idea, but I can only assume the worst. If any Dark Knights out there don't like what is in print, do all of Ireem a huge favor, pick up a dictionary, look up the word "anonymous" and find the REAL writers for the articles are before blaming someone you have never interacted with. As of yet, I have never spoken to any Dark Knight. How they can accuse someone they have never spoken with, I haven't the slightest idea. Further more, if they have issues with the paper, they should actually speak to the Editor of the paper... I am sure Kito has some lovely words for you!
But please, Dark Knights continue to prove to me that there is no such thing as love and or kindness in Ireem -- I promise to make sure all of Ireem reads your words. I would like to formally state that I don't care what you think, I am making my own happiness despite the misery you are trying to bring upon the lovely city of Ireem, and to all the other races in city, be it Merfolks, Djinn, Undead, or human.
-- Written by Sayuri, one pissed off bish.
Been a while since the whispers team bringing you news of Ireem. Not because we have been lazy, or being killed off by our enemies. Though it was always a close call since our editor never really pay us much. Truth to be told, the sand has been boring most of the time. Not much happening beyond those endless round of crystal swapping.... or as they call it raiding.
Anyway, for the welfare of our undercover reporters, and to squeeze out a bit more payment from the stingy editor, here is another round of news disguised as gossips. They are as usual carries a various degree of truth, half truth, and absolute-as-true-as-the-hot-sun truth (kind of wish that we get paid by words now..... )
So who is first..... yes how about The Leader of Crystal Thief hmself, Daddy Despot. After a failed attempt to be a full comedian by declaring himself to God, he was back among his minnows and get back what they are best at, namely stealing crystals and throwing toys out of their prams..... correction, sand castle. That was a while ago, of course, and recently Daddy Despot was no where to be seen. Rumour has it that he got bored with playing with his daughter and the merry band of thief, and decided to leave to the foreign land and have another crack of his comedy career.
One must admit too, the merry band of crystal thief do carry a great sense of humour. Toys throwing from pram aside, one just need to look at the nickname they assign to themselves to appreciated the depth of Comical Genius they process. In fact, apparently there is one who actually called himself of that. According to our source, his biggest joke to date was running out of his wife and a pair lovely when he was still an mere mortal he could shack up with some sex slave. And then there is one who proclaimed himself to some sort of godly tactician. We have yet of course witness anything tactical with their toy throwing. The Chronicles will certainly keep an eye on that.
Another thing that we were suppose to keep an eye on, because it has been a great puzzle to most people in Ireem, is sight of a creature swimming in midair Daddy Despot's daughter, Princess Lappy. Yes, that's right. Swimming. We are not talking about Queen Indigo kind of awesome floating in the air which made all of us swoon and admires for years. But more of mermaid type of swimming, but in the air. We have been seeking the best magi and djinn and even the merfolks to try to explain this strange and somewhat distribing midair swimming. Perhaps it's another joke from her comedian father? Or maybe the fatherly love has made her swimming in delight? Or perhaps it's the fear of those mini creature that caused to flee in vertigo direction and learnt this amazing ability to swim in mid air?
Speaking of merfolks, aren't they annoying? I know our editor is one of them now, but still it doesn't save from be the wrath of the whispers! I mean, how dare they to do anything in their home cave when there is an event going on? We proposed that we should boycott the Mer isle as the de facto venue of any events from now!
It's a quiet month and there isn't much else to report on, other than a lot of public ranting from everyone. Dark knights complaining about mini, Merfolks complaining about noises, Slavers who complained their slaves ran away, Undead complaing about being mistaken as dark knights, Djinn complaining about the lack of paper to chew on, and the horses complaining about oversex.....
Until next month, The Whispers team will be back again to bring you more hot hot hot gossips, at least we hope so!
~ Written by Shh.... *whisper whisper*
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The Knight Leader Election has started, and depending on how the votes swing, we hope to find us a good leader for our team of Knights, and if the team decides to vote 'No Leader' , our Kingdom will then have a Council of Knights made up all the Knights Clan Leaders.
The Chronicles team is working to interview the two candidates who so bravely dare take on the difficult responsibility, a noble task no less, and we hope the information will help you vote wisely and to also get to know potentially the leader who will maintain law and order of our beloved Kingdom.
Herewith, we present the information gathered from an interview with one of the two candidates, Andrew the Scholar(Anderebu Resident), clan leader of Al-Baheseen 'an Adl.
First, we asked for an introduction of himself, and why he decided to be Knights' Leader.
"As many know I am sir Andrew of the old orders. Upon leaving a life of the sands over a year ago I have never once broken my oath of loyalty to the Sultana and her people. For far too long I have seen corruption and war destroy everything that makes the city of Ireem great. If I were to summarize my plans... I suppose it would be to rid our orders of corruption, attempt to keep peace with those who reside outside of our walls, and restore order to our streets."
This is a job that hardly ever get an appreciative thank in return, we asked Sir Andrew's opinion, since he is running for Knights' Leader, why he thinks it is better over having a Council of Knights to lead the team; and what is the Knights' Code of Honor.
"The council idea is not out of the question, however, I do believe a strong leader assisted by those he or she leads can command more authority. A council may argue over small details in which they would then require one to break this argument which is where I believe a leader's place should be. I do not intend on becoming a tyrant, but one who listens to others and acts upon what he hears."
"As for what I personally see to be our code... I believe that my order, Al-Baheseen 'An Adl, best represents this in it's own code. We believing in serving the Sultana, fighting as one unified group as opposed to amongst ourselves, showing respect to all even those who have not yet earned it, upholding truth and justice in all things relating to law, and ridding our own of all corruption. Personally this is what a knight should be. We all have our time and place where we stand strongest, but we should work as a unified force for justice."
When asked what his clan name means, he readily obliged with a definition, and it lead to the next questions of whether he has a team to support him and how he intends to build his team of knights. What is the way to garner the respect and support of his leadership and hence carry out orders of maintaining peace?
"Al-Baheseen 'an Adl is the name of the order I have created. The name comes from the tongue of my people. As some know I am originally from a tribe deep within the sands. The name translates to 'The Seekers of Justice.'"
"Yes, I do indeed have my order behind me and hopefully others who know of my history. One of the very first things I intend to do is gather all of our men and women to meetings to improve our combat skills, the way we speak with others, and keep all of us up to date on events that occur both outside and within our walls. As for the groups themselves which reside beyond the city's limits I am already seeing to it that we begin peace negotiations with them. The city is a place where all peoples meet to eat, drink, and entertain themselves. It is my hope that we can convince all that it is in their best interest to keep it that way so assisting us would in fact assist them. If the knights are there to protect all they have less need to fear their wars carrying over into our taverns."
To conclude the interview, we have Sir Andrew sum up his campaign in one statement.
"It matters not who wins this election if any person does. What matters is that our military finally be rid of corruption and the city streets rid of criminals. We must work together with all those who wish to see this goal met whether they be within our own orders and the palace or outside of our walls. I wish to see a new era where the knights shall reclaim the power they once had and stand tall not as an invading army or a corrupt group stealing from the people, but as an honorable group of men and women willing to lay down their lives for the Sultana, Ireem, and all people that walk our streets.... I believe that is the best I can do for now. Thank you as this was a great experience and I surely hope this will answer many questions that you and many others may have."
Thank you Sir Andrew, we wish you good luck in the election.
In a Kingdom of diverse community, Peace is a rare luxury, and we can only hope for some form of law and order maintained. We shall look forward to what fate bring forth to Ireem via this Knight Election.
It had been just another boring day at the Ireem Chronicles. No new stories besides tales of so and so hitting so and so with a weapon or something that happened during a raid... or something about someone's brainless slave girl getting rapped for the "umpteeth" time. Sense napping on the job didn't seem like an option... well... save the nap for later... this writer set out for some action!
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A sudden announcement brought a bit of cheer! The house of pleasure was going to host an event! Having nothing better to do... I decided why not, and headed over. My ears were greeted by the sound of guitar... Lord Yayoo was there playing a lovely tune. The Mistress of the house, Kya was there greeting guests.. motioning them inside.
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Needless to say it was a wonderful event! I am I hope all of Ireem will be looking fowards to the next one! But until then... need some pleasure and a little escape from the madness? Head to the house of pleasure and rent a courtesan!
~ written by Sayuri
What started off as a beautiful display... turned into something rather... scary and odd for this Chronicles writer!
The start of the evening was normal enough. I'd left the larger arena after watching a group spar... My eyes were soon meet by the most elegant display! Two dragons flying above! There were many a display of bright lights, fire raining down from the heavens, and a few blue hued explosions.
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"Time to get a dragon back" came a voice.
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How I wanted to help the Princess... Even request to take her palce! But... surely that stunt would have landed this writer in hot water with her boss! So... it was a no go for stupid and or heroic stunts. At least for the time being.
Much to Princess Page's dismay... her dear companion followed ever order given... even one to strip.
No one answered Page's calls for help.... and the captives were drug into the dark abyss that is the catacombs! I tried to follow... yet something stopped me daring go near the undead guard stationed! Yeah... it's a thing called sanity...
I could barely hear what was going on beyond... but sounds of foot steps singled by cue to leave that cob web filled place!
Thankfully Princess Page mananged to escape that nightmare... yet without her dragon?! While she hurried off to the palace to tend to her babies... this reported headed back to the office to write this tale... draw a few images... and... fall asleep at the desk.
- Written by Sayuri
Clan Pledge
The citizens of ireem have been ignored and downtrodden too long .. just looked on as people with no standing now we take a stand together to protect or trades , homes and slaves. Our aim is to live in peace ..but when needed we will rise to protect what is ours.
For too long citizens have roamed the streets alone you won't be alone
KAYA Blinker ..Leader
Turk Xue ..Co leader
Having been in Ireem for a while i have noticed the need for some interesting and stimulating sex ..
As owner of the house of pleasure I plan to have regular Events .. to meet almost all sexual fantasias and deviations. Also our main house rule will be one of discretion so know that what events take place within the house of pleasure will remain secret (unless we are offered a high price to disclose it)
Hoping for the support of all the People , and your Votes
KAYA Blinker
Encounters with entities of unknown origin were continually reported in
the past few days. Many of these were solitary encounters with victims
left slumped in a weakened heap, sometimes unconscious, but not dead.
Lately, more of the creatures that usually lurk in the shadows and
appear only when night falls has been seen out and about in bright
daylight in the sands and some even within the city itself. Did someone
unwittingly awaken an evil overlord we have yet to know and whose
minions are now boldly infiltrating the community of Ireem? Who are
these creatures in alliance with? Is this a serious threat to our usual
rumble and tumble over power-crystals between the cheeky pirate slavers
and the horny undeads?
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The same creature was seen waving a giant blade gripped between it's teeth jumping around in triumphant glee, it's orb and fur glowing in amber. The weapon is believed to belong to a male victim, a warrior no less, who was so badly mauled he crawled away towards the catacombs.
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We hope these paintings will help keep everyone alert for their own safety, if not be the city's hero and perhaps ward off more attacks or confront and find out more of this mysterious creature. We have to work together to keep each other's butts safe especially since our Knight Leader Election is still in progress, and the palace guards have their hands full fighting off a rather persistant crazy underpants thief.
Safe paths to all in Ireem.
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"Welcome Citizens of Ireem, today's event will be battle football! Steel Camels vs the Crimson Cobras!!!!!!!"... "Let the games begin!" shouted Kumeza... those words kicked off the start to a great game of Battle Football!
What is battle Foot Ball... you ask? Both teams are pretty much beating the living day lights out of each other while trying to score goals. And for this rather exciting game it was the Camels vs the Crimson Cobras! The line up for the Steal Camels l; Urso, Rin, Hafa, CD, and Flea! For the Crimson Cobras we had; Damien, Vila, Eve, Noratha, and Plat!
The rules for this game were as followed as stated by the arena's owner; "Rules : Default combat mode, all weapons, abilities, items allowed, If you are killed, please leave arena, if you continue to play with 0 ph, Arena points will be deducted
Arena points reminder : You will automatically get 3 arena points for joining, doubled if your team wins, tripled if you are still alive when you team wins.
A certain amount of arena points willbe required to compete to be arena champion at the end of the summer, so don't be scared to lose. come and have fun..."
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Now... back to the bash! The players went at each other with fierceness! Blood going everywhere as blade clashed with skin! All the while the players made fast moves to try to score goals. Urso managed the most goals while Flea made a very tough battle opponent! But all players did an amazing job at... keeping the crowd on it's feet by beating the crap out of each other!
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And what was the outcome of this bash?
"Steel Camels Win! Congrats to Urso, the number one scorer , and his fellow teammate, Flea, CD, Rin, and HAFA!"
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The Chronicles hopes to bring you more bashing action in the weeks to come! -insert corny sport theme song here-
But win or loose... it is the Undead who get all the shiny bishes!
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"The mers can now strip naked and give the end show they promised! Thanks for everyone support and involvement in today's event, hope to see even more of you next week!" called the owner.
Darn it Pushi! I know this was your doing... Always trying to get us mer nude.
- written by Sayuri