NEWS: Zombie hunt

It was a very scary Hollow's eve in Ireem! Tonight, zombies roamed the desert in search of... erm... brains? I am in no way an expert on such things.  Where did all of these creatures come from? Perhaps they were the victims of a past ancient war. Or maybe the rumors are true... about where everyone dumps their dead bodies? And better yet... who or what caused these nightmarish creatures to roam the sands!?

(Zombies, zombies everywhere...)

(Zombies springing up from the sands! )

A few brave souls headed into the desert to try to fight off the hoard. I even braved the sands... and got bitten one too many times... -grumbles about Editor not paying her enough for this- Soon the area was filled with screams, groans, the sound of weapons clashing, and the sounds of people getting bitten! I could of sworn some people were eating the zombies as well -- one good way to fight back.

(Thankfully zombies can't climb walls, but this one tried!)

(Mer Queen Ianira  looking very scary and sexy!)

(Run ladies run!)
To make matters worse, these deadly creatures carried an even nastier virus. Something far worse then the last bug I wrote about... because this one caused the already sparse supply of herbal potion to dwindle! No to mention, the injured fighters caused a small food shortage. 

(Blah... now which way to the baths!? )


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