I do believe the Dark Knight's lack the knowledge to know what the word "anonymous" means after trying to file false charges against me. I did not write anything from Whispers on the Wind, since the gossips column existed long before I joined the Ireem Chronicles. One such charge even has a quote taken out of context. When I said, "fifty shades of fail" was referring to love in Ireem in general -- NOT the wedding, of which I was mostly silent for. Who or what inspired my lack luster view... remains hidden on the pages of my private Diary -- of which I am now considering burning! -A moment is taken to burn the pages concerning that person, the ashes are scattered to the seas-.
I must thank anonymous Whispers Team for also writing the daughter comment. Dark Knights should not be upset over that line... sinse it's not true -- right? Do the Dark Knights engage incestuous behavior? I shall look into this at once! Oh wait, I really don't feel like I owe the Dark Knight's anything but my ire! I hope all of Ireem believes that lie.
Yet, the lack of truth did not stop the Dark Knights from threatening me and proving to me... that there is no love in Ireem. "i know it was you.. and you will end up on my leash.. i always pay my debts" replied some creepy floating Dark Knight named Malley. To be honesty, I haven't the slightest idea what she was talking about... good for you darling for always paying your debts! It's never good to owe others money.
And no, this was not the end of their nonsense. A person, of name of which, I do not know -- nor care, said....
"what do you intend to do with the girl when we get her Malley?"
The response "its been ages sinds we had fresh fish.. i plan to make her dinner... as a good host would.."
Whatever "sinds" is, this writer has no idea, but I can only assume the worst. If any Dark Knights out there don't like what is in print, do all of Ireem a huge favor, pick up a dictionary, look up the word "anonymous" and find the REAL writers for the articles are before blaming someone you have never interacted with. As of yet, I have never spoken to any Dark Knight. How they can accuse someone they have never spoken with, I haven't the slightest idea. Further more, if they have issues with the paper, they should actually speak to the Editor of the paper... I am sure Kito has some lovely words for you!
But please, Dark Knights continue to prove to me that there is no such thing as love and or kindness in Ireem -- I promise to make sure all of Ireem reads your words. I would like to formally state that I don't care what you think, I am making my own happiness despite the misery you are trying to bring upon the lovely city of Ireem, and to all the other races in city, be it Merfolks, Djinn, Undead, or human.
-- Written by Sayuri, one pissed off bish.
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