LETTER: Another letter from Corum

Here is the letter from Corum in reply to Anonymous Knight's Spokesperson, printed in its original form as requested by the sender:


Dear Anonymous,
First, I must say that the Knights should find someone of courage to be their public spokesman/woman. Signing a document “Anonymous Spokesman for the Knights” does look bad politically for them all. If they all agree with the comments, it should be “The Knights.” If it’s just one fractious individual, the honorable thing is to put your name on the document and face the consequences. I don’t think your new Imperatrix would do much. I doubt you’d even have to give a public apology.
By signing “Anonymous Spokesman for the Knights,” you place all the shame of your childish tirade on Imperatrix Avery. As the Knight leader, she must shoulder the burden of all the knights’ ills. She must right wrongs of all the knights, discipline the unwieldy, question the suspect. She is responsible for all the knights—the shining and brilliant, the back-stabbing and lollygagging, the sly plotters and the overwrought. That’s just basic leadership.
Now, for my part, I apologize if my optimism blinded me to the seriousness of this terrible, terrible crime wave. I stand corrected. I provided a list of seven criminals who have gone uncaptured and untried for crimes dating as far back as November and as recent as March 28th. ((Check the Website while you’re checking my math, I stopped at the top seven criminals and could have provided higher totals.)) Overwhelmed by patriotism and my faith in the knights, I underestimated the power and influence of the thieves.
If only I coulf (sic) turn a blind eye to the fiscal losses of myself and my fellow store owners and, instead, focus of the hope promised by the election of Avery to the Imperatrix position over the knights. But, there are @43,000g worth of New Crimes (as opposed to PAST crimes in which the culprits have been caught and tried or otherwise taken off the books) staring at me. This is a lowball estimate and I would gladly accept an accurate and more likely higher count from “Anon.” as that dear knight has nothing better to do than math. Some of these crimes date back to September and many were committed in the last few days.
As a favor for all the knights “Anon” speaks for,

I’ll expand my “Most Wanted” list to a Top Ten.

1. Dita Applewhyte @ 6700g stolen in NEW crimes
2. Delian Snowpaw @ 5000g stolen in NEW crimes
3. Myrna Baxton @ 4800g stolen in NEW crimes
4. Switchblade Daine 4000g stolen in NEW crimes
5. Deja Greymoon @ 3000g stolen in NEW CRIMES
6. Budoken Fell @ 2300g stolen in NEW crimes
7. Keiel Tempest @ 2300g stolen in NEW crimes
8. Dasani Cyberstar @ 2200g stolen in NEW crimes.
9. Sylvia Forzane @2200g stolen in NEW crimes
10. Palmira Bluebird @ 1813g stolen in NEW crimes.

Good Sir Knight Mathias Brucoto did the city of a favor and caught Rhianna Wickentower. Hip Hip Hoo-Ray! A knight did his job.
Whether she was tried or sold to Sae for his nourishment, I did not stay to see.
As you can see Rhianna, like Renickor Dartmouth and Badboy Luv , is a small-timer barely worthy of mention compared to the real high rollers of Ireem. I congratulate Budoken Fell for being the only male to make that list.
I apologize for pointing out Rhianna, Renickor and Badboy as criminals worthy of the attention of the knights. Clearly, they are not. They made no mathematical errors in subtracting from the hard-earned funds of the shop keepers of the city. Only moral errors, which Anon shows us are not the concern of the Knights.
I thank “Anonymous Spokesman of the Knights” for stirring me to deeper investigation of the unbridled crime wave in the city. Knowing the situation more fully convinces me of the urgency of the issue. What I would like to see—as stated in my previous letter—is for the Store Owners to band together to put healthy bounties on the city’s worst criminals to encourage the general public to participate in the capture of these villains.
I do not fully understand “Anon’s” complaints against the plan. If my wife or her employees collects any of the money, the coin will be given in exchange for the criminal, a simple and above board transaction ((regulated by the SGS System and the bounty boards.)) Any citizen would be able to collect the bounties. I would assume knights could collect the bounties as well, unless the Imperatrix forbids such a thing. If that be her will, the project would give knights time to do the math to see that criminals are committing crimes while the common people show courage and honor defeating the thieves.

CORUM, the Mathematically Challenged.


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