Fights of Randomness !

What: Fights of Randomness
Where: KoS Arena
When: Saturday, October 16, at 12:02pm SLT
Why: Because it's damn near impossible and frustrating to try to plan things for you people !

If you want to fight on Saturday, show up to the Arena. Fights will be set up on the spot and randomly.I may or may not charge entry fees, I may or may not give prizes...

Business owners may or may not want to sponsor fights. They may or may not message me to set it up...

Who knows what will happen !

Una Flux, Arena Mistress


"YEs and the winner was Jordina McGinnis!!!" coughs and hopes ninxy and MJ didn´t heard her comment.giggles as she sees ninxy comming and running after her and ask her for the money he won as the new champion!! ok ok ninxy and MJ we all won!" hopes that he stops hunting her now

October 18, 2010 at 1:39 PM  

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