Yesterday while standing close to the knights headquarter and daydreaming, suddenly a loud Splatt !! sound was to be heard, I turned to see what is going on and saw the slaver Ninxy laying unconscious on the floor ! Some people took care of him quickly, bringing him to the physician for a check up.
Two hours later I met him stumbling along the streets of Ireem, his body covered in bandages, he seemed to be far far away in his thoughts. I carefully walked over to interview him about what had happened. What he had to tell was very hard to understand and even harder to believe, I try to recall his exact words here for you, dear reader:
„I… I… who are you? Anyways, some details are still very foggy to me… my head hurts… but I will try and tell you what I do remember. After watching one of my slaves try to pin a rope to another slave’s rear end because she thought she was a cat, that’s another story in its self, I had my normal sip of um… “Miracle Water” I proceed to get slapped, allot, by one of the women in my clan… I’m not sure why… I then decided to take a stroll through Ireem.“
Here he took a sip out of the bottle on his broken peg leg before he continued:
„Ahhh, that’s helps a little, where was I? Oh yes, I was at one of the highest towers in Ireem looking down with my old spyglass for… some… uh, well that’s not what this story is about, when I was taken by surprise by one of the, well if you call her a “Knight”, knights of Ireem. I spun around and went to grab my blade but she already had hers drawn and at my throat. I asked “what you going to arrest a crippled peg-leg for?” she responded with “Arrest?“
Ninxy suddenly looked like feeling real dizzy, perhaps from the blood loss: “I’m ok… I think…I can’t remember much after that other than hurdling from the sky towards a crowd in front of the Knight’s Headquarter. After violently slamming into the ground I was looted of all my *coughs* “Miracle Water” by the Bedouin sluts. You were there… I remember your face….“
I agreed and told him, that I saw him laying there on the ground, almost dead and asked him if he should not be at the knights headquarter to report this inconceivable brutal act of voilence ! He winced and mumbled „I won’t…I won’t tell…because it was Milly, their captain who tried to murder me”, right after speaking those words he vomitted blood on the street and I got pushed to the side by a group of people, all worried about his health.
Dear reader, I hereby assure you, I tried my very best to get back to the man to investigate this accusation some more but the crowd just didnt let me ! Totally overreacting because of the little blood he was vomitting, they even yelled at me and called me nosey reporter !
Anyway, these are the facts for now, I am still shocked and cannot believe what I heard. Did the slaver speak the truth or did he knock his head so hard, that he doesnt remember the incident correctly anymore ? We will see, what Miss Milly will bring as her defense !

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Jordina McGinnis said...
/me reads the newspaper and hold her hurting back as she tries to remember why her back hurts so much when a lot people helped her to bring him in the hospital! Shakes her head as she continues to drink her coffee and hopes ninxy feels much better today
October 18, 2010 at 1:35 PM