Welcome to the Chronicles LaDana, please Introduce yourself to those who doesn't know about you
I am an easy going magi person who loves to make portions so life can be saved.

Can you tell us why do you want to be the Knight's Leader?
To set things in order.

So what has been your involvement with the knights so far
earlier i used to aid them as much as possible but under the last leader they made life hard for ealier friends.

What do you think you do to the citizen of Ireem as the Knight's Leader? Make the life better with more safety and less criminals.

So what would your approach be to deal with the issues that arise, such as crimes and warfare between races?
Deal with criminals and make aggreements between leaders.

As the Knight Leader, what is your aspiration?
To lead.

And what are you hoping to achieve as the Knight's Leader?
A better Ireem for all.

Thank you, please sum up your campaign in one statement
For the best of the Ireem citizens. I am the one.


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